Wednesday 1 March 2017


This week base groups have been using their creativity, zest, and team work in making music. It has been tricky to keep in time and follow a rhythm but our perseverance has been really helping us out!

Art about ourselves

This week (and a little bit of last week), we have been creating poster about ourselves.
There are so many steps during the process. We are doing this to think about who we are and get to know each other better through the poem.

We used oil pastel and dye for our background, meanwhile we also had to take picture of each other. We worked with Susie to create a poem about ourselves.

At the end we have to put everything together by cutting out our picture and poem carefully; then glue them onto the background we created.

We learned that when cutting, we can draw a line with sharpie to help us cut more carefully.


In maths we have been tracing shapes to create powerful robots.


Scott and Wanwan have been working with small maths groups teaching new games.

Students have been creating robots out of various shapes.

Students have also been working on calendar maths. Colouring in each day we are at school, so far, 19 days!

Literacy time

Wanwan and Scott's literacy groups worked on a variety of independent activities today.

We are learning to work with others and share our strengths. The students have taught each other how to post onto seesaw, visit Kiwikids, and our class blog.

We have also been working on keeping our voices down when we are on the study stage.

Friday 24 February 2017

We are learning to add to Seesaw

We have been learning to add things to Seesaw independently. We took photos and added drawings and labels. Some of us added voive overs. Our next steps are to say what we are learning to do. 

Deep Sea Dive!

We have not slowed down in Tautoru after our amazing (if we do say so ourselves!) Arts Celebration performance. We have turned our attention...