Showing posts with label Maths hub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maths hub. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Computer Maths

Our students have been proving what they have learnt on Seesaw

Computer Maths is one component of our Maths programme. Our Year 3 students have been sharing what they do with our younger students. 

Each week, they get a portal to work through and can access videos, games and tasks and they can choose activities at their level. 

You can access the portal by clicking on this link:

Students with Their own Google Apps accounts can log onto our Maths Hub at home/ school by logging on with their school Gmail account:
Geometry, Algebra, Measurement

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...