Showing posts with label karakia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karakia. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Unpacking our karakia

By Lillian
Yesterday we continued to unpack some of the messages in our school karakia and set ourselves a goal about something we can work on. 

E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa te wairua aroha
Settle upon us the loving spirit
kia ngakaunui tātou ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi katoa
to enable us to work together
i roto i te hari me te koa me te aroha anō o tētahi ki tētahi,
in joy and with respect toward one another
kia puawai tātou katoa.
so that we all grow and blossom together.
Whakakahangia tātou kia mahi tahi
Also strengthen us to work together
kia manaaki, kia tiaki
to nurture and look after
i tō tātou kura, i tō tātou hapori, i tō tātou taiao hoki.
our school, our school community and our environment.
Mauri ora!
Life force!

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