Showing posts with label Assembly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assembly. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Worser Bay Orchestra at Assembly

Music enhances our Positive Emotions. Research shows that Music improves brain health and function. It makes you smarter, happier, and more productive. Listening is good, playing is better! When music enters our brains it triggers the pleasure centre that release dopamine (a neurotransmitter) and that makes you feel happy. Playing an instrument increases some gray matter volume in the brain and can improve brain function. 

Rhosyn: I play the ukulele in the orchestra. We practise on Thursday afternoons. It is fun hearing all of the different instruments at once. Practicing together has been fun because I am part of a group. I used perseverance and bravery to perform on stage. I have a sense of gratitude that I can be part of the performance.

Evie: It was fun to perform on stage. I play the violin. I have played since I was four years old. This shows my love of learning and how I have stuck with it! Thanks Kirsten, Vicky and Sarah for helping!

Edward: I play the saxophone, some people mistake it for a trumpet! I used zest in the orchestra performance at assembly. The audience looked really happy and some have said that they want to join now.

Emelie: While I played the guitar I stared at the audience while playing with frozen fingers. I used my bravery, perseverance and zest. I am proud of myself because I made some mistakes but kept going and not stopping.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Assembly Fiesta

These guys shared information about how to recycle at the fair. 
Autahi shared their Halloween writing.
Well done to these students for being powerful and receiving a Principal Award. 

Well done to our fab presenters.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Assembly 28.11.16

Thank you to our great presenters demonstrating their character strengths of bravery and leadership!

Speaking beautifully about becoming a published illustrator

*Becoming* an illustrator *by Liam*
My teacher at art class (Stephany Woodman) told me about this Toi Toi magazine for kids.
It was created by NZ kids and to be selected I had to submit a few drawings that I felt proud of.

So I drew some practise pictures and found some awesome drawings from the past.

 I asked mum and dad if these drawings were good, they said “Yes, they look good’’,
But that’s just the start of it. There's heaps more to go.

A few days later it was art class again, Stephanie woodman asked “Did you submit some drawings to the Toi Toi magazine”? “Yes, I did.” I said quite nervously. “Oh, good, because there’s been 800 submissions.
“800 kids’’! I whispered to myself. Weeks had passed and I was still waiting for the answer, will I be selected or not? I wondered.

  After school one day mum drove me and my sister back to our house,on the way mum
Said to me”I have a surprise for you” “a surprise, please mum can you tell me”
sorry, but not yet”.
   We arrived back home, Dad had the computer ready. An email from Toi Toi said “Dear Liam Struthers, 800 people have submitted. You  were one who was chosen to become an illustrator for Toi Toi magazine, your story is called Rugby in the Mud The deadline is 2 weeks. From Charlotte"
I did two practise pictures and then dad said ”maybe this could help you” he lifted a    
     Big, heavy, book it said... Rugby history I was sketching the picture really carefully
     On page 46.
I was pleased with the final version, so I sent my picture to Charlotte. Now I was going to get published!
I checked through the post. No sign of the parcel.
That's when I come to school. Jude comes walking through the class. We were in the middle of literacy. She had a yellow book in her hand.She spoke ”Hello Tautoru” she said quite excitedly “I looked in the post today and I opened it.” “It was a yellow book it said on the front it said Toi Toi kids becoming artists all over New Zealand” I felt nervous inside is it me or is it not me?

She kept on talking “And I looked through and I looked through...and I saw a cool piece of art I read the writing was very cool too, but when I looked who the illustrator was” she paused for a moment is it me or is it me or is it not me? She said ”Liam S...” uh oh, time to come forward and speak to the class. She said to me “now, Liam how did you really become an illustrator”?
Now everyone Knows and I get to keep the magazine.

Well done to all of those students who got a principal award!

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Assembly 9.9.16

Well done to everyone who got a principal award for great goal setting!
These guys shared their pizza fractions
Thank you to our wonderful presenters

This is us reading, "Glurp the Purple Alien" by Kenn Nesbit:

Friday, 19 August 2016

Assembly 19.8.16

Thank you to our wonderful presenters!

Well done to everyone who got a principal award!

Friday, 5 August 2016

Peace Poems at Assembly

Next week is Peace Week. We will be connecting with a school in Pakistan- a place that is not as peaceful as ours. We have been writing "Peace" poems and will share these with the school in Pakistan.

This is shared writing by Nicola's literacy group:

Peace is

A calm, graceful day

A friendly, open hand

Happiness, all together

Friendship and calmness

Peace is

A serene jungle

A good day

When families come together

Love on Valentines Day

Peace is

Relaxing on a hot, sunny beach

Wedding bells ringing

A world without rubbish

A calm ocean with lots of life

Peace is

Non-violent and no hate

A quiet library

Showing empathy

4 am in the morning

Peace is

Breathing deeply in and out from your lungs

Starry Matariki at night

A smile

A beautiful sunrise

a spectacular sunset on a summer’s night

Reading a good book

Peace is…

A place to understand

Sitting in a spa with jets and bubbles

Feeling the sand between my toes

Snuggling in your bed with your teddy

Sleeping in a cosy bed with soft pillows and a blanket

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Assembly: 1st July 2016

Thank you to our wonderful presenters!
What a fantastic assembly. See some of the highlights below...

Well done to everyone who received a principal award for connecting with others!

Friday, 8 April 2016

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Our Punctuation Orchestra

When we have been talking about reading goals with our students, some of them said that they wanted to learn more about punctuation. This is the punctuation pyramid. It has 5 levels of punctuation. We have made an action and a sound for each one.

This is us having a go at the punctuation orchestra.

See it for yourselves at assembly on Friday!

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Assembly: 18th March

Thank you to our great presenters!

We sang a song that we have been learning called, "2 legged mice"

You can learn the song here: Tautoru Songs

Well done to all of you who received a Principal Award for great thinking.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Assembly 19th February

Thank you to our wonderful presenters who organised our assembly.
Mahutonga shared their trapping stories.
Autahi shared their class treaty
Tautoru shared their "Beautiful" writing.

Principal Awards for thinking.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Assembly: Friday 13th November 2015

Well done to these guys for leading the karakia
We shared our firework similes 
Well done to our great presenters
Principal Awards for collaboration

Friday, 30 October 2015

Assembly 30th October

Well done to our awesome presenters.

Well done to these guys who shared their learning about fractions.

Well done to these guys who received Principal Awards for Collaboration

Here we are singing "Home":

Friday, 18 September 2015


What a great assembly on Friday! 

Thank you to our wonderful presenters... 

Messages from the student council: 

Disco & Joke and Dress up Friday For The Blog

Disco: The Disco was very successful and almost all of the food was sold. Thanks to all the parent and helpers that helped with the Disco!
Toy Swap:  The toy swap went successfully!!!

For the end of the term, on Friday the 25th we will be having Joke and Dress up Friday!!!

Joke and Dress up Friday, is where you can bring in a joke and you can dress up as whatever you like. The student council will pick some jokes that they liked and read them out to the whole school. The winners (1 from each base group) will get a big chocolate frog, but don’t worry, you get a little chocolate frog for participating! :)  You could dress up as a… Fairy, Pirate, Bird, Animal, Princess, Prince, Your friend, Your favourite book, tv or cartoon character
Or any other ideas that you may have! We hope to see lots of jokes and costumes next Friday!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Friday, 21 August 2015

Assembly 21.8.15

This morning we had a brilliant assembly. Autahi shared some great lighthouse art. Tautoru shared some writing about the community they also shared a song about a doughnut shop. Matariki and Mahutonga shared some poems. We sang a new song called Budapest. Hamish had a huge pile of awards to give out! The focus has been on using Maanakitanga.

by Liv and Chester

Friday, 31 July 2015

Assembly 31.7.15

Thank you to our fabulous presenters and people who shared their learning today at assembly

. Well done to all of those children who received Principal Awards for demonstrating Maanakitanga. 

Friday, 26 June 2015

Today's Assembly 26.6.15

Thank you to our fabulous presenters and people who shared their learning today at assembly

. We all loved the dancing! Well done to all of those children who received Principal Awards for persevering.

Amazing assembly from Matariki on Vimeo.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Assembly 12.6.15

Thank you to our amazing presenters, Jack, Milla and George. 

We all loved the assembly, you did us proud! Well done to everyone who received a principal award today for active learning and perseverance

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...