Showing posts with label collaboration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collaboration. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Collaborative Poetry- Tuakana Teina


Last week, our Social Positive Purpose Group worked collaboratively with the Year 3 students to create some poetry. The aim was to teach the juniors about the poetic devices that the seniors have been using in their poetry. It was great to collaborate and learn from each other!

When I feel Excited By Nikita and Sitara 

When I feel excited 
I bounce off the walls 
When I feel excited 
I explode excitement 
When I feel sad 
I burst into tears 
When I feel sad 
I read a book 
When I feel sad 
I slam the door 
When I feel nervous 
I freeze into a ball 
When I feel nervous 
I shiver with scaredness 
When I feel hangry 
I scream angrily 
When I feel loved 
I get happy and my heart bursts

Childhood Tracks by Soma and Nina 

Hearing tui waking me up in the morning 
Hearing the teacher talking to my class 
Hearing kids and me playing at playtime 
Eating toast in the morning 
Eating orange for lunch at school 
Eating pizza for lunch 
Drinking water in the afternoon 
Drinking orange juice 
Drinking fizzy drinks at home 
Smelling pizzas cooking in the oven at lunch

Anger by Oscar & Charlie

It flies through our head 
like a bullet 
Causing happiness to scramble away 
Making everyone grumpy

Childhood Tracks by Ethan Gigi and Oli 

Smelling delicious flowers 
Smelling pollen in the flowers 
Hearing tui sing loudly 
Hearing beautiful getting pollinated by bees 
Eating delicious KFC 
Eating the burning pizza 
Feeling water on your face 
Feeling the fresh breeze on my face

Love By Charlotte and Cara

Love is form of relationship 
Flying through the air 
as its formed 
Love is a red hot heart 
Burning through 
The soul

Childhood tracks- Sam and Mastani 

Hearing my Dad screaming 
Hearing my little brother throwing dishes on the ground 
Hearing seagulls stomping on the roof 
Seeing my neighbours jumping on the trampoline 
Seeing seagulls flying past the window 
Seeing harakeke bending in the wind 
Eating chocolate caramel goody-goody-gumdrop ice-cream 
Eating pancakes with chocolate and raspberries 
Eating tacos with guacamole and black beans

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Becoming a Digital Citizen at school

Digital technology has revolutionised our lives in the 21st century, expanding our ability to connect, collaborate and create in many new ways. Our year 3's have been learning about digital citizenship and what it means to have a school account so that we learn how to use digital technology responsibly at school.

We began by learning about how to stay safe with our personal information online. These are some of the videos that helped us to understand how to keep our information safe from Hector's World.

Our year 4 buddies from last year helped us to log in and learn about some of the apps that we will be using this year. We enjoyed catching up with them and next year we might be able to show our leadership and help others.

We learned about the importance of being responsible and respectful when communicating online as well. We practised our writing by sending kindness emails to each other. 

Over the year we will be learning new digital skills and using digital technology to support our learning. We will be collecting different badges to show our progress.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Transition to Matariki/ Mahutonga

Every year we have some time to work in our new spaces with other people that we will be collaborating with. We call this "Transition!" Last Friday, our Year 4 and 5 students took the Year 3 students around the space so that they will be familiar with the layout. We had to think like architects and draw a plan of the space.

We would like to invite parents to our transition time this Friday!

Transition across Spaces - Friday 24 November, 9.30 to 10am - ALL WELCOME
Come along to Karakia, have a cuppa and then at 9.30-ish you can pop along to your child's new space for 2018. The thinking was to especially provide an opportunity for parents of Autahi children moving to Tautoru and parents of Tautoru children moving to Mahutonga/Matariki to chat with teachers and see their children in their new spot. It's not exclusive, however, as it's also a great chance to meet different parents who have children already in that space. SO ALL WELCOME! The more the merrier really. Come and get familiar in your 2018 environment!

BYOD Question and answer meeting: Friday 24 November - 10am in staffroom
Our Chromebooks and iPads have led to incredible opportunities for our students over the last few years. The school has increased technology by around 50% in the last three years which has been so fortunate. Our learners to be connected more and more. So, we need to keep the BYOD growing in order to keep our students connected to all of the new, exciting learning possibilities.

Senior students at Worser Bay School are able to bring a digital device to school to assist their learning. This is not compulsory but we would like to encourage people who are able, to get on board.

Worser Bay School uses technology as one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge and behaviours students will need as responsible citizens in the global community. Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day.

In an effort to increase access to those 21st Century skills, Worser Bay School allows personal devices on our network and school grounds for students who follow the responsibilities stated in the Student Acceptable Use of Technologies Agreement and the BYOD Information and Permission form.

Worser Bay School strives to provide appropriate and adequate technology to support learning.  The use of personal devices by students is optional, and students who do not participate in BYOD will be be able to use chromebooks provided by the school.

An important component of BYOD is education about appropriate online behaviours.  We will review cyber-safety rules with students frequently throughout the course of the school year and will offer reminders and reinforcement about safe online behaviours.  In addition to the rules outlined in these guidelines, students will be expected to comply with all class and school rules while using personal devices.  The use of technology is not a necessity but a privilege.  When abused, privileges will be taken away.

If you are interested in purchasing a device before the start of school, we have provided some guidance below. If you have any questions before the end of the term, please see or email Nicola or John:
, or

Students can use their devices throughout the day for collaborative learning, web-based research and applications, including creating documents and presentations.

What students say:

We asked students “How does BYOD help you with your learning?”
“It helps me with my learning because it is easier to sign in. Google Docs help because you can type whatever you want and carry on at home if you want.”

“I think it gives you more freedom with what you can do or can’t do. It helps that you don’t have the pressure to find a computer when you need it. You can definitely use it to learn at home too. You can go on Maths links or keep going with writing docs.”

“Sometimes if you have your own device you can use it when you want. I like to use devices for typing because it is easier for me to get the ideas down.”

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Monday, 12 June 2017

ICT Student Council Group teach Tautoru students to use Scratch

Our Student Council, ICT group have been teaching students in Tautoru how to use Scratch. Scratch is an online tool for students to code their own games and stories. Our students have been learning to work collaboratively. 

Friday, 17 February 2017

Greetings from Taipei/ Taiwan

At Worser Bay School, we are excited to learn about different places and cultures. We have started a project that is linked to International Friendship Day (this is celebrated in Singapore to celebrate collaboration and connections with other cultures). Schools from across the world have signed up to share a short movie about their country. The movies will be posted on this site. Here is the first one from Taipei/ Taiwan: 

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Technology Challenge

On Wednesday we did a number of technology challenges. We had to work together and problem solve.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Ordering Fractions

We were asked to order fractions smallest to biggest. We worked together as a group to complete the task.

We each got a slice of bread and had to cut the bread into fractions.

Some of us made mistakes... But that is ok because we know that we learn from our mistakes and a "FAIL" is a first attempt in learning. 

We are all able to order fractions...

Monday, 10 October 2016

Problem Posing: How much money to we need to grow our garden?

Today in Maths, we were asked, “ How much money do we need to buy plants for our garden?” As part of our Inquiry about Change, we will be finding out about how plants grow.

Our focus was to ask good Mathematical and relevant questions.

We had to work as a team to come up with these questions. Here are some of the questions that we came up with:

1. Where is the garden? Thomas
2. How much space do we have in our garden? Lily S/ Pippa
3. What type of soil do we need? Rim
4. What season are we planting our seeds in? Charlotte
5. Where do we get plants from? Joni
6. Thinking about where we plant our garden, what do the plants need? What conditions do they need? Nela/ Ruby
7. How many plants do we need to buy? Lachlan
8. How big do the plants grow? Violeta
9. How long do the plants take to grow? Leola
10. When is a good time to plant the plants? Emelia
11. Do we need to grow them a little bit inside first? Talia
12. How many seeds are there in one packet? Rim

Message from Shona, Scott, Nicola and Susie:
This term we are continuing our Kitchen Science Inquiry and then moving on to an Inquiry around plants. We are keen to get the children growing various things, so the New World promotion is very timely. If possible, would you please be able to send one free Seedling Kit along to school for your child to grow. (They come free from New World if you spend $40). I have a friend who has obviously spent many amounts of $40 and she has given me her kits, so I have spares if anybody needs one. Alternatively, if you have any spares would you please send them along just in case.
We would also appreciate it if you have any spare empty plant containers that we can recycle and use for growing some other plants. 
And if anyone lives nearby, and has a garden that they are happy for the children to look at, it would be lovely for some groups to see a garden in action.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Mystery Skype with Auroa School

Today we did a Mystery Skype with Auroa School. They found out that we were in Wellington and we found out that their school was in South Taranaki. It was lots of fun!

Our next steps are to learn how to search the web to get the information that we need. 

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Favourite Food

Our new Inquiry is all about Kitchen Science. Our students have started to add to this padlet about our favourite foods. Some students from Sunnyhills School in Auckland have also added their favourite foods. Please add if you haven't (Remember to add your name and school)...

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Peace Poems for Pakistan

We are connecting with a school in Pakistan- a place that is not as peaceful as ours. We have been writing "Peace" poems and will share these with the school in Pakistan.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

We have been making our own music using Garage Band

We have been working together to create music on Garage Band. We have been finding sounds around the school. We will be creating our own music for the upcoming music festival. 

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...