Showing posts with label Character Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character Day. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Character Day with Wanwan and Gabrielle's whanau group

 Today we got into whanau groups to learn some more about character strengths. We created some plays showing different character strengths and others watching gave us feedback and told us what character strengths our plays had. Humour was a strength of everyone - come to assembly on Friday for an example.

We also watched this video about two frogs... can you work out what character strengths they were using?

Then, like the frogs, we also made butter from cream. Ask us how! Some groups used real perseverance because they were trying and trying with milk instead of cream!!

Lastly we made up our own games especially focused on one or two of the character strengths. It was a fin day together.

Character day.
Today was character day and we did all sorts of fun activities in our whanau group which in case you don't know is a group with our siblings and some people from a Autahi, tautoru, mahutonga and matariki. My whanau group made butter from cream and we made up our own games and demonstrated how to play the games we made up and the last thing we did was make up our own plays.
By Nela

today was really fun we got jars fulled of cream all of us shakes the jars into butter. I loved it when one-one gone and PRANKED US!!! filling some of the jars with milk instead of cream it was cool and annoying we did this in groups of course my group was one of the pranked groups!
By Ruby

today we had whanau day and we got into our groups and what we did was we made cream and also ate it, we made our own games and we played splash.I learnt that it is really hard to make up your own games.
By Cruz

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Character Day: Chrissy and Gillian's Base Groups

To celebrate Character Strength Day, we got together and explored what gratitude means, discussed what we are grateful fro, read stories about being thankful and made our own movies.

Here they are: 

Character Day: Nic, Kaths and John's Base Group

Today was Character Day!

Nicola, Kath and John's base group worked together to create some art and music. We made kindness and gratitude cards. We also made some trees for someone that we love.

We made music to go together with a story that we read about bravery and courage:

We learnt this song:

Character Day: Shona and Hamish's Base Groups

Today was Character Day!

In Shona and Hamish's base groups we did all sorts of things to learn about character strengths. We made buscuits for a friend in the group to show kindness. We wrote stories based on character strengths. Ask us what else we did...

Character Day: Scott and Gabrielle's Base groups

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Today was Character Day

Scott and Gabrielle’s base groups worked together today. We started the day with a bridge challenge. Groups were given materials to build a bridge suspended between two chairs.

It was great to see students forming new friendships, taking the lead, showing bravery, and there was loads of creativity in the air!

I really liked working together to build our bridge. - Greta
I enjoyed working with the seniors - Gina
I liked how we could work with people we don’t really know - Tommy
I really liked doing something with new people - Charlotte
The quiz about character strengths was good fun - Tommy
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Tautoru Ways of Working

We have really been working hard in Tautoru to make sure that we are helping each other to be ready for learning.    Our first step was to c...