Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Monday, 7 November 2016

Zero Waste Movie

Z will be holding their annual Safety Day in late November, an event that brings 600 Z staff and friends together to share lessons about their company’s values and changes they can make in their lives to benefit people and the planet. They are aiming to make this a Zero Waste event this year, and will use the day to inspire their staff and guests to continue to reduce their waste.

They asked us to share what we have been doing at school to reduce waste. They came in to make a short 3 minute movie. Some of our students were interviewed to find out what they think about environmental issues.

Violeta: We gave advice to the people filming us today. The advice was about not using plastic. We also asked them why would some people just throw plastic in the rubbish bin? They asked us what we do at school to reduce our rubbish. We take our rubbish home. We reuse, reduce, recyle and refuse! They should change the wrapping of the food in the supermarket.

Jupiter: We told them what we have been doing to try and stop plastic pollution and what we are passionate about.

Leola: We told them what we do at home with plastic and what we do with it. We recycle and we reuse it a lot. Sometimes we make things to reuse rubbish. We are really creative and try and reuse things. We told them that getting rid of plastic would be a good idea. If I had a time machine, I would go back when plastic was invented and tell the King not to accept the invention.

Greta: We filmed in pairs. We talked to the interviwers about plastic bags. We shouldn’t get them! We need to not use them as much as we can. They are not good for the environment and kill animals- not just the sea animals. We said something together at the end.

Edward: We told them about plastic pollution and global heating- the blanket made of gas on the earth that stops sun rays getting out. This causes global heating and it will eventually explode the earth.

Hadley: We had to think of something to say at the end. My idea was, “Save the World!”

Liam: So many people are chopping down trees as well. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The trees do the opposite. If we destroy trees then there will be less oxygen for us to breathe in.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Releasing a skink

We had a visit today from a curious neighbourhood cat called Orio.

On the way to the supermarket Nicola and Scott met Dylan's father and he was saving a skink from the paws of Orio!

We released the skink in our school lizard garden where we hope it will live long basking in the sun.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Environmental Writing

Today was a beautiful Wellington day. We took advantage of the weather and wrote outside. 

Hadley's poem:
Grass twitching
Birds flapping
Children running
Sea boats making noise
Pizza oven grilling
Sausages sizzling
People silent
Kids sing songs
Fish paintings
View of the water

Friday, 9 September 2016

Sew Love and Plastic Free Peninsula

We made (#cool #awesome) bags out of a pillowcase and a tie. We paper glued the exclusive logo designed by Hunter T. onto the #epic bag. #sewlove caravan helped Worser Bay School to sew the bags together here is what some people said about the sewing den and campervan club...

Evie said, “I like the sewing machines, that they were made out of a pillowcase and a tie.

Yasmin said, “I like that each sewing machine had a name, they used no plastic to make the bags.”

Jupiter said "I like how it was very welcoming. The idea was #awesome #epic #great #cool #omg."

This is what we do to save the environment!

By Thomas, Jupiter and Edward.

Be good New Zealand!

Image result for plastic free peninsula

Jupiter, Liam, Edward and Thomas would like you to fill out this survey that they created...

Thank you in advance.

Friday, 20 November 2015

The Environment Group

We are learning about debates and as part of our inquiry, we want to find out about the environment. Our inquiry is called, "who should look after the environment". So far we have made brainstorms. We think that everyone should look after the environment.

Yesterday, we did Google Hangout with Room 10 at Kelburn school. They are near Zealandia. They are very lucky because they see lots of native birds such as kaka, tuis, sparrows, kereru and they even saw a shag fly over the other day. They are also interested in the environment and want to trap pesky rats and other pests. They talked about smart rats who managed to dodge the traps. They are designing different traps that will attract the rats. 

We also found out that Mahutonga have also been setting traps for the rats down the bank. The rats are not going for the food in the traps as they don't feel comfortable enough to eat there.

By Lizzie, Max, Ben, Mateo, Jan, Finlay, Izar, Liam, Zach and Theo B

Enviromment by Theo B

Care for the environment, oh please please please,
our future depends on us, it realy does please.
it’s for me, it’s for you
it’s for everyone on the globe
let’s keep our earth clean and very bright green
just care for it it’s now a big deal
if we did look after it a few years ago this would not
have troubled our poor mother earth.

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...