Showing posts with label maori. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maori. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Matariki Celebrations

 Nau mai Matariki, nau mai Puanga, nau mai te tau hou Māori - We welcome Matariki, we welcome Puanga and the Māori New Year.


Matariki / Puanga is a time for learning and storytelling and an occasion for people to come together and celebrate what has been achieved in the past year. A time for whānau being together, celebrating a new year where everyone can flourish and remembering friends and whānau we have lost over the past wee while. 

We met on the beach to see the stars and say karakia together. 

Sunday, 7 July 2019

'The Great Waka of Tama Rēreti' - Matariki Whānau Day

Our 2019 Matariki Whānau Day was a huge success, with each whānau group coming together to celebrate Te Ao Māori through the Arts.

Carl and Nik's whānau group (with fantastic support from Cloe!) watched and listened to some different versions of The Great Waka of Tama Rēreti.

We then got in to groups to create backgrounds and moving figures for a paper theatre.

With the help of Carl's height, we filmed our movie in just a few takes.

Later, we used GarageBand to record some background noises, such as the Taniwha, water and fire.

A special mention must go to Matilda, who did an exceptional job of narrating the story.

Check out our finished product below!

Friday, 6 July 2018

Whanau Day with Ximena and John

After a wonderful morning starting at the beach and watching the sunrise, we had a whānau group rotation. There were many activities like weaving, dance, art and making Māori musical instruments.
Here are some people making Porititi and Koauau.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Matariki: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence Nic and Scott's Group

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence Defined. Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman,the developers of the personal strengths classification, define the appreciation of beauty and goodness as “the ability to find, recognize, and take pleasure in the existence of goodness in the physical and social worlds.”
Today we had a focus on the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. We worked across the school in Whanau groups. 
Kyla (Solly's mum) worked with students to make Maro for Matariki.

We took photos of  things that we think are beautiful from around the school. We made these into a collage. You can see this next week at our Arts Celebration. Please make sure that you visit all of the spaces in the school to look at all of the wonderful learning that we have been doing.

We also created a piece of found material art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

We also loved the opportunity to work with the artist Stan Chan.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Songs for the Powhiri

Utaina Mai Nga Waka

Utaina mai Nga waka
Nga waka o te motu
Toia mai a ki uta
Ki te takoto ranga
A hikinuku hiki e
Hiki rangi rangi e
Tena Tena ra
Koutou Katoa

Tihei mauri ora

Tihei mauri ora
Tihei mauri ora
Ngä iwi o te motu e
ake, karangatia
ake, manaakitia
Ngä iwi, kia ora ra
Ngä iwi, kia ora ra

Takiri by Irini Melbourne
Takiri ake te awatea
Haruru ana te manu
Whiti mai te ra i te pai
Hei whakaoho i taku moe

Tutahanga nei
Tutehu ake nei
He tekoteko  e tu nei
I te koko o te whare
Hei matakitaki noa e

Takiri ake te awatea
Haruru ana te manu
Whiti mai te ra i te pai
Hei whakaoho i taku moe

Tutahanga nei
Tutehu ake nei
He tekoteko  e tu nei
I te koko o te whare
Hei matakitaki noa e
Hei matakitaki noa e
Hei matakitaki noa e

Nga waka e whitu
E tau nei
Hoea hoea ra
Tainui Te Arawa
Hoea hoea ra
Takitimu Tokomaru
Me Aotea ra
Nga waka enei i hoea mai
E o tatou tupuna
Nga waka e whitu
E tau nei
Hoea hoea ra
Tainui Te Arawa
Hoea hoea ra
Takitimu Tokomaru
Me Aotea ra
Nga waka enei i hoea mai
E o tatou tupuna

Tīhore mai te rangi
tīhore mai
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
E rere te kōtare
ki runga pūwharawhara
ruru parirau
kei mate i te ua,
ruru parirau
kei mate i te ua.

e rere e noke
kai ki i te wai
kai mate i te ua,
kai ki i te wai
kai mate i te ua,

e . . . i . . . e . . .
whiti mai te rā

e . . . i . . . e . . .
whiti mai te rā.

Tīhore mai te rangi
tīhore mai
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Unpacking our karakia

By Lillian
Yesterday we continued to unpack some of the messages in our school karakia and set ourselves a goal about something we can work on. 

E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa te wairua aroha
Settle upon us the loving spirit
kia ngakaunui tātou ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi katoa
to enable us to work together
i roto i te hari me te koa me te aroha anō o tētahi ki tētahi,
in joy and with respect toward one another
kia puawai tātou katoa.
so that we all grow and blossom together.
Whakakahangia tātou kia mahi tahi
Also strengthen us to work together
kia manaaki, kia tiaki
to nurture and look after
i tō tātou kura, i tō tātou hapori, i tō tātou taiao hoki.
our school, our school community and our environment.
Mauri ora!
Life force!

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Celebrating Matariki

We had a great time celebrating Matariki by flying our kites on the beach with our families.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Let's Go Fly A Kite

We have made our own kites to fly. We have been designing kites that have members of our family on them. We went outside to see how they fly...

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...