Saturday, 10 September 2016

Mystery Skype with Auroa School

Today we did a Mystery Skype with Auroa School. They found out that we were in Wellington and we found out that their school was in South Taranaki. It was lots of fun!

Our next steps are to learn how to search the web to get the information that we need. 


  1. On behalf of the students of Auroa Primary School, and Room Four and Room Three, thank you so much for the Mystery Skype- I know that our students (and teacher!) really enjoyed the experience and it was the first time for this classroom at our school.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki.

  2. Hi Tautoru and Nicole,

    thanks for mystery skyping us. We had lots of fun trying to guess what school you were at. I hope we can skype again some time.
    We would like to work on our questioning skills as well, and also talking louder with a nice clear voice so we can be heard. We also might make a list of our questions we ask next time as we were forgetting what we had already asked.
    We like your 'if' poems. We thought they were funny!

  3. Hello again Tautoru and Nicole
    you guys comented on my blog it was very interesting and a few days ago our class and your class we all skped and text each other it was a awesome day and its so cool because in the skpe I actally got to see your class and you.


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