Thursday, 12 September 2024

Tautoru Time Travellers - Te Ao Hurihuri 2024

Thriving, flourishing, shining !!  There is no one word that encapsulates the immense pride we felt this week as our Tautoru students demonstrated over a term’s worth of learning across the curriculum. 

The storyline would hopefully become pretty obvious as we danced and sang but the ‘ground work’ that went into making this storyline exciting and performable is often the part that is not given a second thought.   Throughout the last 2 terms, reading and writing helped our students' imaginations soar.  We read and crafted our own stories and poems and we worked on understanding different elements of poetry,  narrative, setting, plot and characters.  Maths and Music helped us with our patterns and rhythm.  Inquiry enabled us to explore some important themes and we identified some unique ‘characters’ living in our environment.   With all of this learning under our belt, we went for it, creating something pretty amazing.   

We saw some students dial up their Bravery, their Humour and Zest while some dialled things down.  So many successes on a number of different levels.   Thanks to all those that made this magic happen.

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