Thursday, 8 February 2024

Welcome to Tautoru 2024

 Kia ora! Welcome to our Tautoru Blog page for 2024. 

We are starting off the year learning our routines and where to find things in our classroom.

This is where we put our bags, jackets and spare clothes (in a separate named bag) for those wet days. It has a named tag which we made for our hook so we can always find it.

This is where we put our book bags. 

The yellow box is for people who read with Jess and the blue box for people who read with Suz or Hayley.

This is where we can put our drink bottles. We can have a drink of water during the day whenever we need without having to leave the classroom. 
This is a great way to stay hydrated on these hot days.

These are our tote trays. We have our own special one with our name on that we designed. 
It holds our books and special felts and coloured pencils. 
We can also use it to put work in that we would like to continue working on later.

This is our 'stage' and library area. We can read whenever we want and it also has a green table with a game on it for us to play (which changes weekly). 

This is an especially good place to go in the morning when we arrive at school as it helps us settle into our day.

And these are our 'super star' and 'super duper star' pegs.

We start every day at green (as we are all star students) but we get to move our peg up if we are demonstrating our character strengths. 

We might be showing kindness, be especially focused and trying our best, being a leader or showing bravery, to name a few.

There is also a new addition which is called the 'infinity star' which Oscar and Luke made us. This is for those extra special achievements. 

Please come and see us, we'd love to show you around!

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