Thursday, 9 September 2021


 We are so grateful to be back at school! 

While we've been at home doing Home Learning, students have been busy getting stuck into their learning and so have the teachers! We did extra reading all around Positive Education. Specifically, the flourish model and it's domains; Positive Emotions, Positive Purpose, Positive Health, Positive Relationships, Positive Accomplishment and Positive Engagement.

Some key learning from this has been around the wellbeing strategies of Savouring and Gratitude.

Fredrickson's broaden and build theory explains the importance of positive emotions on our mental, physical and social wellbeing. There are two components to this theory. 
Broaden: Positive emotions broaden our attention. 
Build: This broadened attention on positivity leads to increased engagement with our environment around us and increase in positive resources.
If we look for the positive, we can find the positive.

From here, the teachers at Worser Bay School put their heads together to come up with a plan of reintegrating the Worser Bay community back into 'face-to-face' teaching and learning with a focus on Positive Engagement, Positive Relationships and Positive Emotions.

On Thursday, Tautoru focused on Gratitude. We started by watching a video about the science behind Gratitude and a short animated clip about how Gratitude effects us emotionally.

Then, we made our own Gratitude letters to practise showing gratefulness. Check some of them out here.

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