Thursday, 16 May 2019

Inquiry learning: The Earth, Our Home

The Earth, Our Home

Deep understandings: We change the world to meet our needs.We have all arrived from someplace then have added and adapted to our environment.  We can learn from each other to create positive change. 

This term our inquiry learning is about resources, technology, and migration with a focus on how we have used technology to adapt to our environment. From Māori navigation to turn of the century settlers and to recent arrivals, people have used technology to interact with the environment. As we sit under the sky and explore the journeys of so many to our shores, we will learn more about our place: Whetūkairangi- The Stargazers and how we might create positive change.

We are Curious- Our First Ideas

What if you had to travel from a deserted island back to Worser Bay? How would you do it? We spent some time designing a way to travel back home after watching a movie about some astronauts (who looked a lot like our teachers!) getting stranded on an island in the Pacific. 

We had lots of fantastic ideas such as:

- A gigantic slingshot to shoot us from island to island (we might need a helmet).
- Several types of spaceships, rafts, and boats.
- Some involved very large butterflies and birds.

Some of the questions we have now are:
- How do people use the stars to travel?
- How long does a raft last in the ocean?

We are Exploring 

Next, we have been learning about where we come from and where our families have come from as we grow our understanding of our place in the world. Where are we on this Earth we call home? Where have some of us traveled from?

We have learned how to ask this in Te Reo Māori.
No hea koe? Where are your from?
No Whanganui-a-Tara ahau. I'm from Wellington.

We will be creating a big world map in Tautoru to see some of our families' journeys.

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