Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Native trees at WBS

During Inquiry we have been looking at the native trees and plants around Worser Bay School. We didn't realise we had so many! ...... Pohutukawa, kowhai, puriri, lacewood, kawakawa, manuka, kanuka, harakeke, ngaio, to name a few. In literacy we talked about how we could teach other people about the trees, so that they know too. We have made some little books to tell people about the shape of the leaves and what the leaves could be used for. Did you know that a ngaio tree leaf could be a parachute for a grasshopper, or a skateboard for an ant? And the kawakawa could be a blanket for a centipede or a love heart for a necklace?                   
We have learnt all about publishing and how important it is to spell the words correctly, use punctuation, make sure the writing makes sense and draw colourful pictures so the readers are interested.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Building Positive Relationships Through Digital Citizenship ...

The Year 3's have been pretty excited over the last few weeks....they've finally got their very own gmail account!!

Along with a gmail account comes lots of discussion and learning about Digital Citizenship and how to keep safe online.

Part of our discussion has been focused on how we can build positive relationships through the use of digital technology. We unpacked what a Citizen means - belonging to a community. Then we worked together with a buddy to think about how we want to be remembered online (digital footprint).

With our buddy we completed this Venn Diagram. We recorded thoughts about how we wanted to be remembered at WBS and Online. We noticed that we had lots of similar ideas for both communities. Some of our ideas were: leaders, kind, brave, respectful, friendly, responsible, role models.

We also had lots of fun coming up with role play scenarios in small groups. Each group was given a scenario of when something may have gone wrong or wasn't quite right whilst using digital technology. We had to come up with an act in our group to show what we should do in each scenario.

Lots of us had to use our bravery and sense of humour to get up on stage and perform these role plays! 

This week we are learning how to send an email! We have a 'secret' buddy that we are going to email a compliment to. We hope it makes their day!

Growth Mindset and PE

This week we started our PE rotation in Tautoru. Our focus is on using a growth mindset to learn small ball skills.

We have been learning how to bounce and catch and also how to bounce pass with a tennis ball so that we can eventually play Four Square.


Down at bottom court we used the wall to practise throwing against and learning how to catch the rebound ball.

Our other rotation is hockey. We have been practising how to hold our stick, do short and long passes and keep our ball close to our stick as we travel.

At all of these rotations we have had to use a growth mindset to learn skills we can't do YET. We know that the more we practise the better we wil get. The character strengths that we have had to use are Perserverance, Zest, Self-Regulation and Humour.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

The Lion and the Little Red Bird.

Today we heard the author of The Lion and the Little Red Bird read her story to a young girl in who was in hospital. Have a look at the video. In the story the lion and the bird become friends, even though they can't speak to each other.

The story is all about making new friends. It tells us that being kind and smiling helps us make new friends, even if we can't speak the same language. It tells us that our body language, what we say and how we act are all important when we want to make and keep friends. We practised using our faces (and no words) to show people how we are feeling.

And we showed how we could get people to understand us by using our hands and not our words.
We focused on our thinking to remember what the message was that we got from the story.


We have been discussing and sharing ideas about habitats. We have identified that there are many types of habitats - forest, marine, freshwater, alpine, dry, and wetlands. 

We have also identified some of the animals that live in different habitats and what they needs to survive.

We have been learning to be scientists. To do that we have developing our observation and drawing skills.  Here are some examples of our forest habitats.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Kids led learning

We have continued being "thinkers" this week at Kids led learning. 
We have thought how to build castles, make marble runs (Alex was very proud of his!) and be authors of joke books.

We also had the choice to do buddy writing and to create mosaic art.
There has been lots of thinking, sharing, negotiating and creating going on in Tautoru this week.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Open Morning Scavenger Hunt

Tautoru kids had a wonderful time sharing their learning space and activities during our open morning!

There was lost of animated chatting and sharing of the space and some of the things we've done so far.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

I Am a Thinker- Kids Led Learning

How many different kinds of learning are there? What if kids can lead their learning?

Our learner attribute for this term is 'I am a thinker.'  Part of being a thinker is solving problems, having and sharing ideas, and organising my ideas. In Tautoru we have periods of Kids Led Learning when we are not in a learning workshop. We can choose different kinds of learning to do to practise our orgnisation of ideas and problem-solving. This might include different challenges, choice writing or creating with our imagination.

Here are a few of the Kids Led Learning from this week.

The Marble Run Challenge: Create a marble run using a paper plate.

The Paper Bag Puppet Challenge: Design and make a puppet using a paper bag

The Buddy Writing Challenge: Create a story with a buddy.

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...