Monday, 7 November 2016

Plants need soil to grow! Or do they?

Today we discussed this statement, "Plants need soil to grow!" Our learners said whether they agree or disagree with this.

Blaze: Soil makes the plants grow.

Caspian: I disagree because drift wood plants and cacti don’t need soil to grow.

Izar: I agree because plants need nutrients and there are nutrients in the soil.

Edward: I disagree because upside down plants

Theo: I agree that plants need soil to grow because there are nutrients in the soil.

Lily Ji: If it isn’t in the soil, it won’t grow.

Wil: I agree because plants need soil to grow.

Eva: I agree because it helps the plants to grow fast and the plants need room for the roots to sprout.

Kate:Plants need soil to grow. I agree because it helps the plants because it has lots of nutrients. You also need sun.

Dylan: I disagree because cactus can grow in sand. So some plants need sand instead.

Reuben: I agree- you need soil for the roots.

Georgina: Plants need soil to grow because it is good for them.

Molly: I agree because they need space for the roots and roots and they also need sun and rain. How else would they grow.

Jasmine: I agree because they need soil for the roots to go deep into the ground. Plants need soil to grow.

We have put some information together for students to research:
Planting and Growing

1 comment:

  1. Team 3 Green from LPS says:

    Do plants need soil? This is what we think...

    Marcella: young avocado's don't need soil to grow - toothpicks hold up the seeds. Then they need soil.
    Sage: some plants don't grow in normal soil.
    Katie: I think they don't because you can get plants in sand.
    Neve: sometimes they don't / do, because when plants are in water they don't have soil in the water they just stick down to rocks.
    Chi: doesn't matter.


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