Thursday, 29 October 2015

Art Day in Tautoru

On Wednesday we were artists for the day... We had so much fun and learnt new skills. Our artwork was based on different stories.

Katherine: I liked the painting!
Isabella: I like to do art because I like patterns and drawing.
Rim: I got to make a Rainbow Fish. We got to put lots of colours on.
Jupiter: I learnt different skills and we got to work with different textures. Awesome day!
Ben: I liked designing my own fish.

We made fish after looking at the Rainbow Fish.

This art was based on Dr Seuss Art.

This art is based on Eric Carle Art.

We did some art based on fairy tales.


  1. Louis: It is good that you have read the books and made some art about it. Drawing is a very powerful thing to show what you think.

  2. Charlie: Your art work is very beautiful and colourful.

  3. Anna: I love your artwork as it is beautiful and descriptive.


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