Friday, 24 February 2017

We are learning to add to Seesaw

We have been learning to add things to Seesaw independently. We took photos and added drawings and labels. Some of us added voive overs. Our next steps are to say what we are learning to do. 

Friday Japanese

We started Japanese lessons this afternoon. 

The students sang a song, introduced themselves, and counted to 10. Sugoi!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Tautoru Treaty

We have written a Treaty for Tautoru. We talked about the way we need to behave so that we can have a happy time together this year. We all drew a picture of ourselves and signed our name to say that we will do our best to be respectful, kind, caring and inclusive. We are looking forward to a great year together.

Bucket Fillers!

For a few weeks now in Tautoru we have all been finding out what it means to be a "Bucket Filler". 

We began by reading a story called "Have you filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud

Bucket Fillers are people who show kindness, appreciation and love by filling an invisible bucket that we all carry around with us each day. 

There are many ways we can be Bucket Fillers. Each and everyone of us in Tautoru have thought of ways to fill the buckets of the people we see everyday.

We have all been trying to do and say things that will fill each others buckets. Here are some examples:


We have started talking about and exploring Measurement in maths. 

We began estimating the length of objects using 1 metre personal benchmarks (parts of our body that are 1m in length).

Then we headed outside with tape measures to find as many objects as we could that measured 1 metre exactly

We found many things that were either 1 metre long or 1 metre wide!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Dragon Music

We have started to explore more sound and music creation in Tautoru.

To accompany our class dragon for Chinese New Year we have been working together on a musical piece for it to dance to.

The students worked in teams, selected instruments to work with and decided on a 'story' for their dragon.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Growth Mindset Videos

Base groups in Tautoru have been spending time in Autahi over the last 2 weeks talking about their goals, sharing their strengths, and watching videos about a growth mindset.

The videos can be viewed at this link growth-mindset.

They are fantastic short clips that the students have enjoyed and are pitched perfectly at their level. Please spend some time with your children and talk about their own strengths and goals.

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...