Friday, 30 October 2015

Assembly 30th October

Well done to our awesome presenters.

Well done to these guys who shared their learning about fractions.

Well done to these guys who received Principal Awards for Collaboration

Here we are singing "Home":

Thursday, 29 October 2015


We are taking part in the What's for Lunch Gardening program which provides us with great reading and activities around the gardens.  You will remember that we did the sustainability program in term 2 and each week we learned about a new resource and how we can manage it.  The site is interactive and now accessible at home.

Go to:

Worser Bay School Pupil Login
Password: tomato

And access the interactive story, hands on activities and other follow up activities.

We are learning about position and direction in maths. We've been explaining where Hairy Mclairy is in relation to objects.

Singing - Practising for assembly

Art Day in Tautoru

On Wednesday we were artists for the day... We had so much fun and learnt new skills. Our artwork was based on different stories.

Katherine: I liked the painting!
Isabella: I like to do art because I like patterns and drawing.
Rim: I got to make a Rainbow Fish. We got to put lots of colours on.
Jupiter: I learnt different skills and we got to work with different textures. Awesome day!
Ben: I liked designing my own fish.

We made fish after looking at the Rainbow Fish.

This art was based on Dr Seuss Art.

This art is based on Eric Carle Art.

We did some art based on fairy tales.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Pizza Time

 Today we fired up the pizza ovens. The pizzas were delicious! 

Friday, 23 October 2015

Zombie Day

On Friday the 30th of October there is going to be a zombie day at school.  Dress up in your favourite zombie design and you could win the zombie competition!

Image result for zombie animated

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...