Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Green Eggs and Ham, But not the usual one

By Xander

I am Xander. Xander I am.

Do you like green eggs and ham?

I do not like them.

Would you like them with a mouse?

Would you like them in a house?

I would not like them in a house.

I would not like them with a mouse.

I do not like them, now let me be.

Would you could you have them in a car?

Would you could you have them on a train?

I would not like them on a train.

Here in the dark?

I would not like them in the dark.

Would you could you on a boat?

I would not could not on a boat.

Oh no! Here comes a wave.

The boat turned.

Ok, but now you must let me be.

I do like them, I truly do.

I like them and I will eat them anywhere.



Sunday, 7 April 2013

Well done boys for making your thinking visible this week! Friday 5th April 2013

Our Maths Focus for WEEK 10


Forwards and backwards sequencing/Identifying 'ty' and 'teen' numbers/ Making groups of 10 and 20


Addition and Subtraction
Problem posing and solving

Try this at home or in the car:

- How many groups of 10 are there in 100, 50, 20?

- Counting down from 100, 50 or 20

Remember to keep trying new things on MATHELETICS at home

Our LITERACY focus for WEEK 10: 

Blend: Frog, Fred, Fry

Spelling Rule: Started, Jumped, Stopped

Word Family: Still, Bill, Hill

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Incredibles...POWER!

As apart of our Inquiry in Tautoru we watched the Incredibles and then in groups of four we worked collaboratively to answer some questions about the movie and what we would like our powers to be if we were a super-hero...Come to Assembly this week and find out more!

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...