Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Green Eggs and Ham, But not the usual one

By Xander

I am Xander. Xander I am.

Do you like green eggs and ham?

I do not like them.

Would you like them with a mouse?

Would you like them in a house?

I would not like them in a house.

I would not like them with a mouse.

I do not like them, now let me be.

Would you could you have them in a car?

Would you could you have them on a train?

I would not like them on a train.

Here in the dark?

I would not like them in the dark.

Would you could you on a boat?

I would not could not on a boat.

Oh no! Here comes a wave.

The boat turned.

Ok, but now you must let me be.

I do like them, I truly do.

I like them and I will eat them anywhere.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done Xander. You worked hard on this piece of writing for a few days. We are all very proud of you.
    From Danny

  3. Well done Xander, I can tell that you worked hard on this. Good job! Nicola


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