Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams for 2025 and also the perspectives that you share with us that help us get to know your child that little bit more. We always leave these meetings with a real sense of connection and optimism about the year ahead. Thanks again !
Part of our goal setting process is coming up with a focus word for the year. This word is usually a strength based word that we can use throughout the year. It is a powerful tool for guiding our actions, mindsets and work throughout the year.
The intent of our focus word for 2025 is to:
help us recognise our strengths and how we can dial these up in different ways.
simplify the process of goal-setting by shining a light on the things we might be good at or what we want to improve.
be daily inspiration and a reminder that we all have different strengths to contribute to our class.
We think widely about lots of different ways we can use this strength across the curriculum. At the end of the year we love to look back and reflect on these strengths and how we have further developed them over time.
Here is the list of character strengths we might choose from. There are many others too.
Do you have a focus word for the year, or are you thinking of choosing one?