Thursday 12 September 2024

Tautoru Time Travellers - Te Ao Hurihuri 2024

Thriving, flourishing, shining !!  There is no one word that encapsulates the immense pride we felt this week as our Tautoru students demonstrated over a term’s worth of learning across the curriculum. 

The storyline would hopefully become pretty obvious as we danced and sang but the ‘ground work’ that went into making this storyline exciting and performable is often the part that is not given a second thought.   Throughout the last 2 terms, reading and writing helped our students' imaginations soar.  We read and crafted our own stories and poems and we worked on understanding different elements of poetry,  narrative, setting, plot and characters.  Maths and Music helped us with our patterns and rhythm.  Inquiry enabled us to explore some important themes and we identified some unique ‘characters’ living in our environment.   With all of this learning under our belt, we went for it, creating something pretty amazing.   

We saw some students dial up their Bravery, their Humour and Zest while some dialled things down.  So many successes on a number of different levels.   Thanks to all those that made this magic happen.

Sunday 8 September 2024

     In the next week or 2 in Aotearoa we celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.  

     14 - 21 September 2024   

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is an annual celebration for all New Zealanders to show their support for the Māori language, an official language of this country.

The theme for Te Wiki 2024 is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language’. It represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of our language. 

Under enduring pressure te reo Māori has shown it will adapt and survive. It grows with our people, our culture and our environment.  For us at Worser Bay School Te Reo Māori is not just a week long event but an ongoing challenge that we are committed to making happen.   It is part of our curriculum and our goal as a staff is to make sure that Te Reo Māori is seen and heard in all our spaces inside and out.   Our pou speak to all the pūrākau and knowledge our beautiful site holds. 

Join us this Māori Language Week to uplift te reo Māori now and into the future!

As a staff we will be having quizzes and more opportunities to learn and support each other with our Te Reo Māori learning.  This will also flow on into our classrooms.  

You can make a difference by learning a word, a phrase or a whakatauki.  Ask your child as they will be coming home with some helpful kupu māori and kemu to play at home :-)   

Kia kaha e te whānau !

                           Kia māhorahora te reo – let’s make it seen, let’s make it heard. 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Toothpaste Experiment...

Words create worlds - we say it every day! However, this is unfortunately true for negative words too. Even though we can apologise (which is very important) our negative words can leave a mark on others. We showed our Tautoru tamariki the reality of this with the toothpaste experiment.

The children got to let loose on Jess last week, saying unkind words while she squeezed out the toothpaste representing how the words made her feel. The kids then said sorry for what they said and tried to take it back. Jess tried to put the toothpaste back into the tube, which was of course impossible. We scooped and scooped but to no avail the toothpaste was not going back in. This is exactly how our words impact others. Even though we say sorry, our words do not go away and neither does the impact they leave. 

Saying positive words however, has the opposite effect. A study by Fredrickson, Cohn, Coffey, Pek and Finkel in 2008 showed the benefits on individuals after hearing kind words for 28 days straight. These individuals reported more positive relationships with others and improved physical health - let Jess know if you would like more information about this!

We practiced our positive complements outside after the toothpaste experiment. Our students moved around back court in various ways, and whenever Jess blew the whistle they had to stop and complement the person closest to them, a different person every time. 

Tamariki reported feeling really 'good inside' after this small game. Here are some examples of the positive complements we gave:

Remy H - "I like your shiny crocs"
Felix "you are such a great writer"
Vera "I Like your eyes"
Erik "you are a good friend"

Tautoru Time Travellers - Te Ao Hurihuri 2024

Thriving, flourishing, shining !!  There is no one word that encapsulates the immense pride we felt this week as our Tautoru students demons...