Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Movement + Music = MAGIC !!

Ever had song lyrics stay in your head for the day, after you heard it once on the way to work ? Well that's what we are experiencing at the moment as we gear up for the Arts Celebration !! 

Term 3 is proving to be a very ‘holistic’ and authentic example of ‘valuing the whole child’ and not something that we left to chance either. We recognize that the arts absolutely complement and enhance learning in other areas such as Inquiry, Literacy, Maths and Te Ao Māori. A reasonable story becomes a beautiful poem with the removal of some key words, a poem morphs into a song with a sprinkle of repetition and before you know it you have a haka. Through music we have observed the beauty of movement, dance and actions coming naturally to our students. 

The arts have provided opportunities for students to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They have been active participants in the planning process by creating, performing, and just appreciating the arts and all they have to offer. We are promoting a collaborative working environment where all students have multiple opportunities to shine. This is our mantra for the Arts Celebration. There are no lines, no scripts and plenty of planned spontaneity. You might be asking how this is even possible given the definition of spontaneity. This is never a one person job it takes a village as we always say. We will be needing your help a little closer to the time with some of the finer details.  This information will come out in the next week or 2 so watch this space. 

We have a long way to go yet but savouring each minute at a time.. Without ruining the ‘surprise’, here is a glimpse and some clues into the beginning of our journey. See if you can make some links between all of these and what you might expect to see…

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