Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Ākau Tangi Sports Day

On Tuesday Tautoru (year 2 and 3) along with Autahi (year 1) and the year 4's went to Ākau Tangi sports centre for a fun day of skills.

We were split into three groups which rotated around three activities:

1. Netball Skills

2. Gymnastics

3. Ball Skills

We had amazing instructors who taught us new skills and activities we can try back at school.

Netball Skills

One of the key skills we are trying to learn in netball is moving with a ball, into space and keeping our eyes on the ball so that we can catch it. 

We are learning the different ways we can pass a ball, and how we can move into the right space to keep the ball moving. 

We also need to make sure that the person who we are passing the ball to is ready - so we use their name and make sure they have their hands ready in a 'W' to catch. 

Our year 4 buddies helped by being great role models and encouraging us. 
We enjoyed working in mixed age and ability teams as we all learn so much from each other.

Another key netball skill is being able to throw the ball accurately. This was a fun game where we had to knock the cone off the chair - we will definitely try this back at school!


We were lucky enough to have Miles and Emily, coaches from Harbour City Gymnastics Club teach us. 
We started with a warm up where we had to try lots of different movements with our body which was related to the positions used in gymnastics.
We did some stretching, and then were introduced to a fun circuit which included all of the exercises we had just been practising! 

Once again - our year 4 buddies helped us by showing what they can do, and helping some of us conquer our fears!

This position is called 'motorbike' as you crouch as you land, and it looks like you are driving a motorbike!

Ball Skills

This is an area of physical education that we have been working on at school - throwing and (ultimately) catching! Lots of us find this challenging, so it was fun to try all types of balls - from netball, tennis to soft squishy balls and try and throw them as high as we could. 
The emphasis was not on skills so much as just having a go and having fun!

"My favourite part was gymnastics"


"It was hard catching some of the balls"

"When are we going again?"

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