Thursday, 19 November 2020

Super Sounds

 At least three times a week, we get out the whiteboards and practise our letter sounds. These are explicit lessons to teach letter sound knowledge that follows the Yolanda Soryl phonics programme. We generally have a sound that we focus on for the whole week, such as the digraph 'kn'. The kids will tell you that digraphs are two letters with one sound, and trigraphs are three letters with one sound. Often there are sneaky little letters in words that we need to remember when we're reading or writing. Super Sounds lessons are great ways for us to learn about these sneaky letters.

We work on rhyming, breaking up the words (we call this roboting) and then putting it back together, instant recognition of words, practise with writing words in isolation and then putting them together with silly sentences. There is so much learning jam-packed into a quick 10-15 minute lesson!

Below you can see the children roboting the sounds in each word. One sound is one robot movement! So knock would have 3 robot movements as we have 'kn' as one sound, 'o' as another sound, and 'ck' as the last sound.                       

Here you can see the kids writing down the word that has the sound of the week. If it were a video, you would them roboting the sounds as they write each sound of the word.

Here the kids are getting in some practise with writing as many words as they can in a certain amount of time. This is great practise for handwriting fluency as well as repetition with spelling and writing words quickly.

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