Thursday, 30 July 2020

Communicating learning through the Arts- Matariki

For our inquiry this term we are learning about all the different stars of the Matariki cluster (Pleiades). Each star holds a particular meaning in Te Ao Māori (The Māori World). We are learning through dance, drama and poetry and will be sharing our discoveries during the Arts celebration.

We watched this clip that explains the different meanings of the Matariki cluster:

Here is some of the art pieces that are taking shape to inspire our ideas:

Dance routines are coming together....

Poems are ready to be added to the music...

Matariki dancing around the sky 
bringing people together
Matariki the biggest star
Matariki the healer 
Firing flames cooking kumara
Cooking yummy kumara 
over the flaming fire
Cooking delicious kumara 
so the steam feeds the stars
Reminds us to come together
Reminds us to look after 
and enjoy nature.

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