Friday 26 June 2020

The Writing Programme - writing workshops

It was great to see many of you join for the Writing Webinar last night where Ximena, Carl and John discussed how we teach Writing at school.

We all know writing involves so many different skills. To deliver a balanced writing programme, we make sure we target each skill throughout the week, term and year. Sometimes this may be in the form of specific handwriting lessons and writing fictional stories, recounts and other non-fiction texts. Other times, we teach writing workshops that target specific skills. Writing skills targeted in writing workshops can include sentence structure, using wow words, editing and many more!

Below you can see snapshots of some Tautoru kids honing in on their editing skills. As there are so many different things to think about in Writing, writing workshops are used to target specific skills in isolation (well as much isolated practice as possible!).

In this writing workshop, Mikayla wrote an incorrect sentence on the board. The students corrected full stops, capital letters and spelling mistakes with a word card for support. This allows the kids to begin to develop editing skills which we then reinforce and continue to practise when editing their own writing pieces.

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