Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Drama to start the day.

We have been having fun on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, playing fruit salad, while acting a part as we move. We also used our imaginations to think of different things a stick from the second little pig's house could be.... a shovel, a fork, a comb, a walking stick, a back scratcher, a wand, etc. In this picture we had to show what our faces would look like when we were given dinner that we didn't like....
And in this picture we have just won a prize! 
We are using our creativity and our bravery to act some of the parts!

Dance Dance Dance!

We have been kickstarting our mornings off in Tautoru with all sorts of activities that get our brains pumping and ready for learning!

 The Dance Crew

On a Monday and Tuesday morning the dance crew have been exploring all sorts of ways to move their bodies in time to music. 

Today the theme was Halloween...we enjoyed making up a short dance to Ghostbusters theme song.
Have a look at our Dance Crew 

We have all had to use many character strengths to participate in dance - collaboration, bravery, perseverance, creativity, love of learning and teamwork! 

We are having so much fun groovin and shakin! It wakes up our brain and gets our endorphins pumping! Endorphins make us feel positive and happy, which is a great way to start the day.

The Power of Water!

This week we began our inquiry into the power of water!

We have spent a bit of time investigating water and recording our wonderings and opinions.

Click the link below to read some of our ideas on all the things that use water or need water to work..Water Uses 
You can add your ideas to this padlet too if you like. 

We also recorded our ideas about where we think water comes from.

Today we formed an opinion in response to this question: Does water ever run out? Once we had decided Yes or No and our reasons why we drew oursleves on a Human Continuum outside with chalk and explained to a buddy WHY we had put ourselves near Yes or No.

This video all about the Water Cycle helped us to understand how water is a renewable resource and that a lot of the water on our planet can be reused again.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Wind Power

Today we started our inquiry into the power of the wind.

Here are some of our first ideas about wind;
Trees sway in wind
The sun pushes the wind
Wind makes windmills turn and that generates energy
Yachts move in the wind
Wind can help birds fly
Paper planes need wind to fly
Wind can go in different directions
Big planes push wind backwards
Wind has energy
Wind can cause trouble

Wind blows things away

We then headed outside to fly our paper planes. We flew them from somewhere high, with different degrees of force, and also into the wind and with the wind.

Some of our initial questions about wind are;

Is wind made out of something? - Can we make wind?

Where does wind come from?

How does wind create energy?

How is wind created?

How fast can wind blow?

Does wind ever stop?

Can you weigh wind?

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Sustainable Coastlines

On Tuesday Oliver and Katie from Sustainable Coastline charity visited us to talk about what is happening with all the plastic rubbish that ends up in the ocean. It is harming the sea creatures and the environment. We all agreed to spread the word about plastics and to try to stop using single use plastic so that we can enjoy the beach, and so can all the creatures who live there.


Starting from Friday this term we are lucky to have three footballers from team Wellington come in to school to teach soccer skills.

The students started the sessions out with simple ball skills such as kicking and passing.

They finished each session with a quick game where they were able to develop their new skills, build on their team work and speed.

Power Inquiry - The power of nature

This term our inquiry is around the power of nature. We are looking into hydro, solar, and wind power.

This week we survived Wednesday without using any electricity in Tautoru. Luckily the weather was kind and the sun provided us with a well lit classroom!

The students worked in groups sharing their knowledge around electricity. We used a KWL sheet to organise our ideas. Students will select a a topic to investigate further over the next few weeks.

Money, Money, Money

Scott and Wanwan's maths groups have been learning about money.

The students have enjoyed discussing the benefits of money, how and when we use it, and what it allow us to do. The students shared that money can be used to sell and buy things, it can be borrowed and donated, it can be sorted and stacked, and that it is sometimes very rare!

We have started out learning about notes. We have shared the different ways we can make different dollar amounts. There has been a lot of great maths ideas and discussion.

Our next step is to set up a shop and purchase items and introduce change.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


This week we have been learning about Diwali. Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights. It gets its name from the row of clay lamps that Indians light outside their homes. We talked about the things that happen at many celebrations and found out people who celebrate Diwali follow similar ideas. They have candles, lights, visit a temple, have a holiday, share food, listen to music, wear special clothes, let off fireworks, visit others and give presents. To welcome people to their homes, people create rangoli patterns outside their door to invite others in. We created some rangoli patterns of the lotus blossom outside school this week

Monday, 16 October 2017

Welcome to New Zealand Chinese Language Week!

This week in the New Zealand Chinese Language Week! Before we get start, I'm sure you want to know what is it all about! 

What is New Zealand Chinese Language Week?
New Zealand Chinese Language Week (NZCLW) is a Kiwi-driven initiative that aims to increase Chinese language learning in New Zealand. The initiative is the first of its kind in any Western country and emerged in the context of a rapidly strengthening relationship between New Zealand and China.

More information from the official website of New Zealand Chinese Language Week Click here

Here are some phrases we can start with to celebrate. 

There are also some posters around so you can practise at your own time! 

Have fun learning Mandarin!

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...