Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Positive Accomplishment in Tautoru!

Over the last week Tautoru has been a hive of activity as we have been diving into Student Led Conferences and sharing our wonderful learning and achievements with our whanau.

It was great to see the children leading their parents in conversations around their learning, discussing their goals and showing their whanau many of the things we do at school. The teachers and parents were so impressed with the leadership that we saw!

We enjoyed teaching our parents some Te Reo.

We spent some time reading and sharing stories that we had written.

Lots of us enjoyed creating an obstacle course to challenge our parents!

It was nice to teach our parents some Rainbow Breathing, we enjoy breathing exercises after a busy lunch.

Here are some comments from our children about SLCs:

"It was good because I enjoyed the feedback that my mum and dad gave me about my goals".

"It was fun because Dad doesn’t often get to see what I do at school. He was impressed".

"So great! I had fun with mum making and doing a tricky obstacle course".

"I enjoyed teaching mum the rainbow breathing that we do at school and I was proud of the goals I am working on". 

"Dad came to see me at school for SLC's it was really nice because he doesn't get to come and see what I do very much".

"I liked playing tennis with mum and dad, it was a challenge on the Scavenger Hunt".

"It was so cool to have mum and dad stay at school with me so that I could teach them rainbow breathing. It was fun".

"I loved showing mum the work I have been doing because she said she was very proud".

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