Friday, 23 September 2016

Au Revoir Chrissy- We'll miss you!

It was Chrissy's last day today. We will miss her and we're looking forward to meeting the baby very soon! 

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Year 3/ 4 Sleepover

Happening now: The Year 3/4 sleepover! Sleep well!

Character Day: Chrissy and Gillian's Base Groups

To celebrate Character Strength Day, we got together and explored what gratitude means, discussed what we are grateful fro, read stories about being thankful and made our own movies.

Here they are: 

Character Day: Nic, Kaths and John's Base Group

Today was Character Day!

Nicola, Kath and John's base group worked together to create some art and music. We made kindness and gratitude cards. We also made some trees for someone that we love.

We made music to go together with a story that we read about bravery and courage:

We learnt this song:

Character Day: Shona and Hamish's Base Groups

Today was Character Day!

In Shona and Hamish's base groups we did all sorts of things to learn about character strengths. We made buscuits for a friend in the group to show kindness. We wrote stories based on character strengths. Ask us what else we did...

Character Day: Scott and Gabrielle's Base groups

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Today was Character Day

Scott and Gabrielle’s base groups worked together today. We started the day with a bridge challenge. Groups were given materials to build a bridge suspended between two chairs.

It was great to see students forming new friendships, taking the lead, showing bravery, and there was loads of creativity in the air!

I really liked working together to build our bridge. - Greta
I enjoyed working with the seniors - Gina
I liked how we could work with people we don’t really know - Tommy
I really liked doing something with new people - Charlotte
The quiz about character strengths was good fun - Tommy
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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Flynn's Poem- When you are sleeping...

Today in Tautoru, for our reading some of us read Flynn's poem, "When you are Sleeping". We liked it because he chose the best words for the purpose. It also paints a picture in our mind. During Independent writing, some of us decided to write our own scary poems. Thank you for the inspiration Flynn!

When you are sleeping...

When you are sleeping, sneaking through streets,
Snatching, eating, gobbling, slithering, he whispers,
In Parseltongue “kill, kill, kill, KILL!”
Cats meow, dogs bark, wind flows, rain flies,
Trees drip, no one sees the monsters,
Roaming feet thudding, houses crushing,
Water rising, trees falling, ground ripping.

People growing, ideas flowing, time spinning,
Coming, going in and out, blackness falling over,
Mountains growing, trucks towing,
Rivers Flowing,
Things Roaming.
By Flynn, WBS,  (Year 4)

Hokey Pokey

Today we made Hokey Pokey. 

We mixed sugar and golden syrup in a bowl. We wondered what would happen. 

Here are some of our predictions:

Nye: Crystals in sugar might get stuck in syrup.
Gina: The sugar will dissolve and maple syrup might get sticky.
Sammy C: Sugar might melt into the syruo then sink.
Blaze: It might change colour
Caleb: It might look like the elephant’s toothpaste.
Eva: It might go gooey.

This is what happened (see what happens when we add baking soda to the mixture): 


Unpacking our karakia

By Lillian
Yesterday we continued to unpack some of the messages in our school karakia and set ourselves a goal about something we can work on. 

E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa te wairua aroha
Settle upon us the loving spirit
kia ngakaunui tātou ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi katoa
to enable us to work together
i roto i te hari me te koa me te aroha anō o tētahi ki tētahi,
in joy and with respect toward one another
kia puawai tātou katoa.
so that we all grow and blossom together.
Whakakahangia tātou kia mahi tahi
Also strengthen us to work together
kia manaaki, kia tiaki
to nurture and look after
i tō tātou kura, i tō tātou hapori, i tō tātou taiao hoki.
our school, our school community and our environment.
Mauri ora!
Life force!

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Elephant Toothpaste

Today we did an experiment called "Elephant Toothpaste". We asked students to do a creative piece of writing. This is what we came up with:

Elephant Toothpaste

It looked like ice cream
It looked like an ice cream maker
It went into swirls
How amazing
Elephant toothpaste
It looked like it had invisible hands
Slowly rose up like bubbles  

By  Hadley

Elephant toothpaste
Elephant toothpaste oh my did it erupt?
Elephant toothpaste lots of bubbles rising up.
Elephant toothpaste lots of slime.
Elephant toothpaste it kept going.
By Ruby

Elephant Toothpaste
Slow explosion
Rising up
It looks like ice-cream and don't eat it because it's gross vinegar
It's bubbly like bubble mixture
By Blaze

We made some elephant tootpaste art too...

Quadblogging: This week students show us around International School of Luxembourg

We have permission to post this video clip on our blog.

It's such an exciting time! We've started Quadblogging. We are connected with schools in England, Luxembourg and Canada. 

Here are the participating schools. Please take time to have a look at their blogs and leave a comment on their posts. Don't forget to say who you are and where you are from (Worser Bay School, NZ)

St. Augustine’s School, England
International School of Luxembourg
Caroline School, Canada
Worser Bay, New Zealand

This week we will be getting to know Mr Bevan's Class Blog at the International School of Luxembourg.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Slime Experiment

This is an experiment that I did at home
"Making slime was lots of fun! Lots of good planning, observing and perseverance too. This is my slime - I had to make it carefully because if I didn't it wouldn't work! It was my second try because the first time I rushed and didn't follow the instructions. The second worked much better".

We're loving how our students are so engaged and enthusiastic about our "Kitchen Science" Inquiry.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Down the Back of the Chair

We were inspired to write "Down The Back of The Chair" poems after looking at the Mahutonga Blog. They did such a great job and we thought that we could do the same. 

We read the story by Margaret Mahey story, then we wrote our own poems and recorded them on Seesaw. Here are some of them...


This is the shared poem that we wrote together: 

A fox, some blocks and polka dots
A plane, a train an airport lane
A mat, a bat and hairy cat
Down the back of the chair

A chair, a bear, pink underwear
A king, a ring, a chicken wing
A queen, a bean, a magazine
Down the back of the chair

A can, a man, a chinese fan
A dog, a log and a spotty frog
A cat, a mat, a stinky rat
Down the back of the chair

An orange peel, an electric eel
Some diamond rings, emerald things
A kung fu Kangaroo,
A sparkly old high heel shoe
Down the back of the chair

Spanish Fiesta at Island Bay School

Yesterday a group of us went to Island Bat School for a Spanish Fiesta. Like us, they have been learning Spanish. We practised some Spanish, played some games and ate tortillas. What a wonderful experience!

Dot Stories

Dot Art by James

We have been telling our own Dot Day stories...

The Love Heart by Eden

In art class Rosey had a blank sheet of paper. The teacher lent over and said “ah a snowstorm”.
Rosey said “I can’t draw”
“Yes, you can” said Mrs Tom “ here make a mark and see we it takes you”
“Ok” said Rosey and she made a swell shape on one side and then she made another one on the another side of the paper and made a love heart.
Mrs Tom carefully studied it and said “sign it” so Rosey signed it and the next day Rosey saw her love heart on the wall above Mrs Tom’s desk. It had a gold swirly frame around it.  
Rosey said to herself  “I can do better than that, so Rosey opened her water colors. She made heaps of love hearts and different coloured love hearts. Rosey got famous for her hearts.
A boy said “you’re really good at drawing. I wish I could draw like you”
Rosey said “you can” so she gave the boy a blank sheet of paper. and Rosey said “make a mark please, just see where it takes you” so he made a mark and signed it.

The Zigzag by Cruz

Once at art class there was a little boy who didn't how to draw. His name was Hank.Hank was stuck to his chair. The art class teacher said “make a mark and see what it looks like” and hank hit the pencil onto the paper. It made a zigzag. The teacher carefully looked at the zigzag… Tomorrow at art class, he saw his zigzag in a diamond picture frame.

The Mark Dot by Talia
One day I was drawing for the contest but I couldn’t draw a heart. I panicked because my friend Kirsty said I couldn't draw a heart once.
My brother, Alastair  said to me "you can do it!"
Kirsty gave me a piece of paper and a pen.
I  shook my pen and I tried my best. I could draw a heart. I won the contest.
So that means you can do it too.       

Friday, 16 September 2016

Bouncing Eggs


The last egg has been preserved in vinegar for over a week. Let's see what happens...

Preparing for our Spanish Fiesta

Today we will be going to Island Bay School for a Spanish fiesta. The spanish students and two Spanish kids from our class got some wraps ready. We got ham, lettuce, tomato and chicken. We also made guacamole. We are very excited about our trip to Island Bay School today.

By Emelia

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Student Led Conferences Photo Gallery

Students have been sharing their learning with their parents at their student led conferences. It has been great to see our learners being so confident about sharing their thoughts and reflections about what they have been doing at school!

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...