Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Recipes for a Great Holiday

My Holiday Recipe
By Angus

1 large beach.
1 small squid.
1 large house.
3 cups of boys.
1 long birthday.
10 spoonfuls of marshmallows.
2 spoonfuls of girls.
1 ipod.
Mix them all together to make 1 holiday cake.

My Holiday
By Finlay

5 cups of big swim.
2 cups of soccer.
4 cups of friends.
2 sprinkles of goals.
Mix together, stir for 3 minutes and bake in the sun.

Holiday Making
By Ridley

2 cups of breathing wind.
1 cup of mixing river water.
5 teaspoons of rainy drops.
1 pinch of a drop of a leaf.
Mix in hot water for a fun time.

A Fun Holiday
By Edward

5 cups of biking.
5 teaspoons of swimming.
1 cup of ice lolly.
9 tablespoons of computer.
1 cup of waiting for Dad.
Mix together to make a fun holiday.


  1. Love the holiday recipes. Makes us want to go on another holiday!

  2. Love the holiday recipes. Makes us want to go on another one!

  3. Great recipes! They make me want to go to the beach. Nicola

  4. Brilliant! These made me smile.

  5. Brilliant! These made me smile.

  6. Brilliant! These made me smile.


Focus Words 2025

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