Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Recipes for a Great Holiday

My Holiday Recipe
By Angus

1 large beach.
1 small squid.
1 large house.
3 cups of boys.
1 long birthday.
10 spoonfuls of marshmallows.
2 spoonfuls of girls.
1 ipod.
Mix them all together to make 1 holiday cake.

My Holiday
By Finlay

5 cups of big swim.
2 cups of soccer.
4 cups of friends.
2 sprinkles of goals.
Mix together, stir for 3 minutes and bake in the sun.

Holiday Making
By Ridley

2 cups of breathing wind.
1 cup of mixing river water.
5 teaspoons of rainy drops.
1 pinch of a drop of a leaf.
Mix in hot water for a fun time.

A Fun Holiday
By Edward

5 cups of biking.
5 teaspoons of swimming.
1 cup of ice lolly.
9 tablespoons of computer.
1 cup of waiting for Dad.
Mix together to make a fun holiday.

Focus Words 2025

Goal Setting Meetings kicked off this week and we are so grateful for the time we had together discussing students goals, hopes and dreams f...