Tuesday 1 March 2016

We have been asking questions for our research...

As part of our inquiry into rock pools, we have been thinking about different animals that live there. We have been working in groups to ask questions about an animal of our choice. 

We have begun to put together links to different sites for the students.

Find out more by clicking the links below (we will be adding to these as our inquiry progresses):

Generic Resources for the Rocky Shore




Sea Anemones

How does your garden grow?

We have been excited to watch things grow in our garden. Look how big our courgettes are...

Rock Pool inquiry

 As part of our inquiry we have been creating our own rock pools with the creatures we found at the beach.

We have labeled them and then thought of questions we want answered. We are going to begin investigating and researching more about the rocky shore.

Friday 26 February 2016


Our new families were welcomed to the school today. What a wonderful experience. 

Our first ideas for our change inquiry...

We are learning about change. We wrote on a piece of paper: Why do things change? What changes? How do things change? Nothing changes (This was a provocation).

We wrote what we thought that goes with all the questions. These are our first ideas about change.

By Leola

Here are some of our first ideas:

Thursday 25 February 2016

Maths games

In Chrissy & Scott's Maths groups we have been playing different games to learn our groupings to 10, facts to and from 10 and facts within 10. Take a look at the video to see how well they are doing...

K W L - What we know. What we want to find out. What we have learned

The Rocky Shore

We had a great time this week at the rock pools at Worser Bay beach. But before we headed down there we worked on sharing what we knew and what we wanted to know about the creatures that live in our backyard.

Groups used i-pad to record their ideas, others used the chrome books and there were also groups using the pen and paper method.

Here are students sharing and recording their ideas on the chrome books.