This year in Tautoru, we are learning to move in lots of different ways. This helps our brain development and stimulates us for learning in many ways. We call this PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme).
Within our physical education (P.E) programme we are following the 'Moving Smart' guidelines which cover:
These 6 focus areas are designed to help our tamariki develop skills so that they are 'ready for learning'.
It takes a lot of effort to sit on the mat and listen to a story, to hold and use a pencil or pen correctly, to be able to pack our bags and dress ourselves and look after our own needs throughout the day.
These simple physical activies are fun and build our physical and cognitive strength.
Here's a few we've been practising so far:
Trying to stand up and sit down without using our arms and having our legs and arms crossed:
Climbing up the tyres, ladders and the climbing wall:
Practising yoga, stretching and crossing our midline:
Moving by crawling, using our left and right sides opposite to each other:

Moving backwards, using our skills of balance and coordination:
Being able to stretch our our opposite arm and leg and catch them behind us:
Swinging on the monkey bars and being able to hold our own body weight - ultimately building up to being able to do a chin-up!
If you would like to know more about the Moving Smart programme, please have a look at: