Wednesday, 15 March 2017

PALS - Ultimate Tag

We were lucky to have a couple of PALS pop in to Tautoru this afternoon.

PALS help to organise games for students during morning tea and lunch breaks.

They are awesome at introducing new games and keeping the pace flow.

The PALS that worked with a base group taught us how to play ultimate tag. We focused on running with our bumpers up, keeping an eye out for other people running, and our side-stepping skills!

We then finished the afternoon with a quick game of hide and go seek.

Japanese school bags

In Japanese class we have been learning about how kids help to clean the classroom, toilets, and the hallways at the end of the day.

They also wear aprons and masks to serve their classmates for lunch.

We tried on a Japanese school bag.

All of the school bags are exactly the same but they can be different colours.

There are no tote trays in classrooms so students have to carry their books for each day to school.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Learning about online safety and respect.

In preparation for the Year 3's receiving their school email accounts they spent time today talking about what Respect means.

We posted onto seesaw videos about how we respect our environment, other people, and ourselves.

The students made the link between our school value of Respect and being respectful of others and themselves online. Keeping them safe in the digital sphere is something we take very seriously.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Maths time - independent activities

Wanwan and Scott's maths groups have been learning new maths games and activities. We have been working on skip counting, learning a new game called 'round the world', and reviewing our basic facts.

Some of the games have are new and we have had to work on reviewing our basic facts and our doubles knowledge.

This game is like dominoes but using basic facts.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Muscle Dance

As part of our inquiry into power the students have been playing games in the afternoon and then given the opportunity to create their own versions or adapt the games into something new.

It has been fantastic to see the students working together as a team, sharing ideas, and getting creative. We have also had Autahi come in and join base groups. They have enjoyed taking part and getting to know the rhythms of Tautoru.

In muscle dance the students have looked at people in action from rugby players, construction workers, ballet dancers, and bodybuilders. They have then developed a short dance piece using a variety of poses. Great fun.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Our class Waka

We have created a class waka. Everyone in the class is sitting in the waka working together to reach goals as a group but we are also able to support each other in achieving our individual goals.


 Each student has identified a character strength that they will use in class. Waka 1 is up and rowing with waka 2 on its way soon!


This week each person has had a chance to think of something they can do in the playground to challenge themselves and try to make a new game. We talked about the rules for games, if rules are always needed and if rules can change. We talked about working together in groups and negotiating.

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...