Thursday, 4 February 2016

Sports Evening Picnic


What a great evening! Thank you all for coming along.

Fitness mornings

We are starting the day with a boost!

Getting To Know Each Other.

We are getting to know each other by surveying our base group about things they like. In pairs, we chose a question, asked each other what they liked and then we are going to make tally charts and graphs about our results. Come and have a look at our work next week.

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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

What are you grateful for?

At the end of each day, we have been thinking about what we are grateful for. 

Please add what you think to the padlet below...

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Noticing and appreciating things of beauty

We are having a big focus on character strengths this year. We are focusing on the character strength of noticing and appreciating things of beauty. 

Noticing and appreciating things of beauty around school
Today we begun to look for things beautiful in our school. This is us looking for beautiful things:

Here are some of the things that we found:

Please come in and take a look at our "Wow Wall" to display things that we find beautiful
Please bring in photos or objects of things that you find beautiful to put on our "Wow Wall".


Fantastic to see so many hats on heads today.

What month were you born?

Today we made a human graph. We lined up according to what month we were born in. November and March will be busy birthday months in Tautoru!
This is us counting how many people were born in each month.

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...