Monday, 29 August 2016

Glurp, the purple alien

We are learning to read aloud with fluency and expression. Today we read Glurp, the purple alien. Here we are reading the poem...

I’m Glurp, the purple alien.
I come from outer space.
I have a purple body.
I have a purple face.
I use my purple tentacles
to dine on purple food.
The treats I find the tastiest
are purely purple-hued.
I’ll eat a purple burger.
I’ll slurp a purple shake.
I’ll feast on purple pickles and
partake of purple cake.
I’ll nosh on purple noodles.
I’ll feast on purple fries.
I’ll munch on purple macaroons
and purple pizza pies.
I haven’t seen your planet,
but, if I ever do,
you’d better not wear purple.
I might just dine on you.
--Kenn Nesbitt

Friday, 26 August 2016

Thanks Margaret and Chris

Thanks Margaret and Chris for coming in and playing to us. It was beautiful to hear you play and you really sparked our imaginations with Beethoven's melody...

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Claude, Sophia and Ambrose came in to play their violins

Claude, Sophia and Ambrose came in to play their violins this afternoon. They played music and used every string. They practise every day and fantastic musicians.

By Kirsty

Hannah Fraser Visit

Today Hannah came to talk to us about music. She plays the grand piano at the hospital  and makes people happy by playing her music. She teaches people how to play different instruments. She showed us a jazz song and taught us a song called tiny bubbles. She sang us a french song when playing the piano. It is really cool to meet different musicians. Hannah is very talented!

By Violeta, Hunter T and Ari

Peace Poems for Pakistan

We are connecting with a school in Pakistan- a place that is not as peaceful as ours. We have been writing "Peace" poems and will share these with the school in Pakistan.

Performance Night: Shared Poem by Tautoru

Music Festival

Costumes Clashing
People Shivering
Music Playing
Children sneaking
Dishes cleaning
Night Sky Darkening
Stars twinkling
Moon shimmering
Turntables turning
Drumsticks banging
Shakers crashing
Pots booming
Bells ringing
Butterflies flapping
Gorrilas thumping
Clothes shining
Fingers pushing
Pots donging
People singing
Parents clapping
Dragons flying
Aliens dancing
Lights flashing
Bugs shaking
Cheetahs crawling
Kids screaming
Birds flying
Buckets banging
Heads nodding
Babies crying
Magic flying
Haka chanting
Audience listening
Parents cheering
Face painting

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Our Special Guest: Rob and the Bagpipes

Bagpipes by Theo, Rim and Mitchell

As part of the music festival, guests are coming to tell us all about instruments and the music that they play. Today Rob came in to tell us about bagpipes. It was amazing. Bagpipes come from Scotland. He told us how the bagpipes work. They can make a continuous sound. We really like the sound of bagpipes. We also like marching and dancing to them.

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...