Tuesday, 12 April 2016

St John visit.

Today Danny and Max from St John Ambulance service came to remind us what to do if we ever have to ring 111.
We also learned how to pack, wrap and lift when somebody is bleeding.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Teddy Bear Picnic this Friday

Dear Parents,

We are going to have a teddy bear's picnic on Friday 15th April. We will have the picnic at the beach. We will leave school at 11. 40 and get back to school approximately at 1.40. 

We will need:

  • Walking shoes
  • A soft toy
  • A drink bottle
  • Lunch
  • A Sun hat
The teachers will make sure that those who have ordered sushi will get theirs. 

If mums and dads would like to bring their own teddies that would be fantastic. Please let the teachers know if you can help on the day. 


From Tautoru Kids
(Shared writing)

Friday, 8 April 2016

The Purple Crayon

We read a story called, "The Purple Crayon"
By Jasmine
By Angus
This is the story retold by Eva:
The Purple Crayon
By Jupiter

Once there was a boy with a crayon. One night he felt like a walk … but he did not have a path. So he drew a path with his crayon. He walked and walked but he got bored. He decided to draw a forest. He only drew an apple tree. Looking at the apples, he decided to have a picnic, but he had nothing to eat so he decided to pick an apple from the apple tree. Then he saw a cow that had a very hungry tummy so he gave it some apples too. Then a whole batch of cows came and the boy ran as fast as his legs could go but now he was so far from home and it was nearly midnight. He was so tired. He didn’t even know that he had the crayon in his hand. Then he dropped it. He saw the crayon and drew a house with a nice comfy bed,a squishy pillow and the moon watching him in the window.
By Molly

Purple Art 
By Reuben and Jupiter

To start off we folded paper into 8 squares.
Next we painted the top right into purple and we painted the bottom left white.  In between we added the connection colours. After our painting was dry we drew shapes from the purple crayon book. Then we cut them out and stuck them on a black piece of paper.
By Kate

Assembly 8-4-16

Well done to our students who shared the Punctuation Orchestra in assembly today. You can watch it again here http://tautoruandautahi.blogspot.co.nz/2016/04/our-punctuation-orchestra.html

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Naughty Animal Writing

This is our helping circle. We read our work to one another to see if we need to make changes. Our buddies can help us. We listen to our buddies so that we can get ideas for writing. We can make changes if we need to and we learn more about language.

We watched a movie about Brian (the sheep) walking in  the Marlborough Sounds. 

Brian was snatched by a naughty weka, never to be seen again!

This inspired us to write about naughty or funny animals...

By Clem
One day my cat went under the house. There was a door that led under the house. My cat was scratching. My Parents got some food so Dora  would   come out of under the house, but it did not work.  So we tried meat, but that did not work. My mum had to go under to get her out.

By Nikora

One day when I went to my friend’s house we played outside. We went inside and right in front of the door was Mini the dog. He jumped up on me and didn’t stop licking me on my face. I wanted Mini to stop but I couldn’t open my mouth.

My Cat 
By Finlay
One day my cat had escaped from my house. She ate a dead bird. I was very mad at her because she ate the disgusting dead bird. It wasn’t good at all. Then she ate another one. I was so mad that I nearly exploded.

The Weka
By Angus W
The weka stole my favourite toy motorbike.  I had to buy another one. The new toy is even better. It is remote control.  

Naughty Animal 
by Marnie

Nic and the awesome sheep called Brian went on a adventure. They saw a naughty, naughty weka and he scuttled over to Brian. Brian wanted to take a photo with Mr Weka. So Brian got ready for his photo. The weka started scuttling over to him...
What really actually happened to Brian?

Mr Mouse 
by Liam
Mum was frantically opening the draws. I could see mum reaching for the peanut butter jar. She went off to wash her hands. I walked forwards, just then two sneaky eyes approached. Then it scuttled forward. It had four legs, a pointy nose and long teeth. It was a mouse! It ate all of the peanut butter. ‘’MUM!’’ I screamed.

The Duck
By Cooper
The duck stole my train. I loved it. The duck lived very far.

Naughty Worms 
By Leola
Mum was planting broccoli in the garden on a sunny calm day. “Mum, what are you doing?” I screamed from the bathroom.
“I’m planting!!!!” Mum responded.
A few days later…”Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghhh.” Mum shouted.
Then I came… “what’s wrong?” I asked.
“These worms are munching in our broccoli.”

The Weka
By Olivia
The weka stole my bag. I got it back. Then I got the weka some food from home. He ate the whole packet.

Fabulous Football

Today in our soccer training we played trucks and trailers. Someone was the truck and someone was the trailer. The trailer had to keep up with the truck. The truck had to loose the trailer. First, we played without balls and then with balls. This helped us learn how to control the ball and look out for people who might be tackling. We then played a game of football.

Shared writing by Chrissy's base group.

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...