Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Some of the children in Tautoru have been learning about measurement.

We have talked about standard and non-standard units of measurement. In class we have begun using non-standard units to measure body parts, cracks in the pavement, the length of bench seats and other objects in the playground.


This is shared writing by Keir and Molly:

We had our drumming lesson today in the staffroom. We learnt the names of different drums and other instruments including bongos, hand drums, xylophones and chimes. Andreas was conducting us. We learnt symbols for drumming, not drumming, whistling and singing. We had a great time and we're looking forward to drumming again next week. 

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Hour of Code: Minecraft

Our Year Three students have been learning how to code. They have been using #hourofcode and working through the Minecraft activities. Students have been problem solving and applying their Maths knowledge. Great collaboration!

Assembly: 18th March

Thank you to our great presenters!

We sang a song that we have been learning called, "2 legged mice"

You can learn the song here: Tautoru Songs

Well done to all of you who received a Principal Award for great thinking.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

If You Learned Here: Our Classroom Trailers

We have been making movie trailers for our global project, "If you Learned Here". This week, we are thinking about our classroom and what we learn at Worser Bay. 

Silky soccer skills

We started our soccer training today. The children are learning a variety of skills, working as a team, and building on from last year.

We were also very excited to get close the cup won by Wellington. 

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...