Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The Big Shakeout is scheduled for: Thursday 15 October, 9.15 am

While we will take part in the earthquake drill at 9.15 am, this is a great opportunity to test our systems regarding emergency evacuation. This will be a bit of an unknown in reality..... phone lines will be clogged and email probably down BUT we can simulate the exercise as much as possible on this day.

Thanks to those of you who have returned your new Emergency Contact Forms. Some of you have nominated 5 'others' plus yourselves who can pick up your child/ren, some of you 5 in total. That's fine..... it was, in hindsight, open to interpretation. 5 or in some cases, 7, nominated adults go a long way towards great support in an event of an emergency. Thank you.

So what will happen on the 15 October 2015?

  • Parents will get a reminder email and text from the school office at two different times of the day leading up to the 2.30pm pick up.
  • This will allow us to check these systems at our end and also for you to double check you haven't got a new mobile number or email address lately!
  • If you are unable to collect your child yourself, you will need to contact someone on your Emergency Contact List.
  • Children will remain in class spaces at 2.30 pm.
  • Staff will be at both school entrances with lists of children's names and nominated contacts who can pick the child/ren up.
  • (If wet, we will let you know where.)
  • Parents' nominated contacts will see a staff member who will check the list and provide them with a WBS stamped piece of paper with the child's name on it.
  • This piece of paper will be taken to a staff member who is with the children in the class space and only then will the child be ticked off and able to leave.
  • We are in conversation with ECAT (After School Care) regarding their emergency systems and will let any parents whose children go to ECAT the lay of the land in plenty of time. 
As in the case of a 'real' emergency, please do not telephone or email the school. The staff will be too stretched. Just know that your child/ren will be looked after until you or a nominated contact can get to the school.If you haven't completed the forms, please do so asap. 

Animals in Danger

During reading today we were reading about Animals in Danger. We found out about rare or extinct animals and what has been the cause and effect of this. The buffalo has almost became extinct because of hunters. The dinosaur became extinct either from an asteroid hitting earth or an eruption.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Google tutorial with the seniors

The year 3's are down in the seniors today learning how to create a googledoc, change fonts and colours, how to share a doc and some tricks with googledocs. We wrote blurbs about ourselves that we will use for our blogs later on! How exciting! 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Journal writing

On Tuesday and Thursday mornings we have started journal writing. This is an opportunity to write anything that we want. We can also choose who is allowed to read it. At the end of the term we will pick one that we want to publish.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Space Place - Learning Celebration

We had a great learning celebration -  Our students got to share all of their learning with whānau.  We also topped off our Inquiry with a v...