Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Storm


Danny’s literacy group did a  shared writing about the storm. We all added our ideas to the story.

The Storm

I woke in the dead of night, startled by the storm. Crash! Boom! Thudder!

But wait… the storm has passed, it’s still outside.

Then what made that noise?

I got out of bed and carefully opened the door.

I looked up into the sky and saw what was creating the lightening.

A scaly one eyed dragon.

I dived back under the covers.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Bucket Fillers

Bucket Fillers

In Tautoru, we have introduced weekly bucket fillers...these people have been chosen because they have shown that they are real bucket fillers by helping people, caring about people and showing overall empathy towards others. 

Week 8: These students were chosen by their base group teacher

Week 9: These students were chosen by last weeks bucket fillers

Keeping our Tamariki Physical

 This year in Tautoru, we are learning to move in lots of different ways. This helps our brain development and stimulates us for learning in...