Shona's base group talked about what happens in the rock pools so that the creatures can survive when the tide goes out. Have a read of some of our stories.
The Tide is Going! By Eddie.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mr Mussel. Shut your shells tight! Get ready Mr Sea Anemone. Tuck in your tentacles.
The Tide is Going Out. Be Nela.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mr Chiton. Pull your shell close to the rock. Get ready Mrs Cockabully. Hide in the seaweed. Get ready Mrs Limpet. Pull into the rock like
chiton. Get ready Mr Crab. Scuttle under a rock quickly. Get ready Mrs Sea Anemone. Pull in your tentacles close. Get ready Granddad Starfish. Cling onto a rock with your suckers.
The Revenge of the Tide. By Mitchell.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mr and Mrs and Master Mussel. Hold your shells tightly.
Get Ready Rock Pool. By Nye.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mrs Sea Anemone. Put your tentacles in and Mr Crab, scuttle under a rock.
The Tide is Going Out. By Emelie.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mr Crab. Get under a rock.
The Tide is Going Out. By Rim.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get ready Mr Crab. Hide between the seaweed. And sea
anemone, get ready, close your tentacles. And
cockabully, hide between the seaweed. Limpet
get your shell and cling onto the rock. And mussel, close your shells together.
What Happens When the Tide Goes Out? By Ruby.
Oh no! The tide has gone out. Get ready Mrs Starfish. Hang on! Get to safety. Quick. Quick. It's going out. Get into the seaweed or your life will come to an end. This is going to be a tough ride. Get ready Mr Chiton. Cling onto the rock. Get into your shell or you will burn to death. Get ready Mrs Cockabully. Swim into the seaweed or you will be transported into a different dimension.
What Happens When the Tide Goes Out? By Lily.
Oh no! The tide is going out. Get Ready Mrs Crab. Get under a rock. Get ready Mrs Cockabully. Get into the seaweed or you will get teleported to a new dimension. Get ready Ms Mussel. Hold together. It's a long ride.