Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Sunday 29 May 2016

Remember Poems

Artwork by Matilda
We wrote poems based on this poem...

Summer by Marci Ridlon

Have you ever smelled summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time
when you were tired of running
or doing nothing much
and you were hot
and you flopped right down on the ground?
Remember how the warm sun smelled and the
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you were trying to climb
higher in the tree
and you didn’t know how
and your foot was hurting in the fork
but you were holding tight to the branch?
Remember how the bark smelled then
- all dusty dry, but nice?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when the storm blew up quick
and you stood under a ledge
and watched the rain till it stopped
and when it stopped
you walked out again to the sidewalk?
Remember how the pavement smelled
- all steamy warm and wet?
That was summer.

If you try very hard
can you remember that time
when you played outside all day
and you came home for dinner
and had to take a bath right away,
right away?

It took you a long time to pull
your shirt over your head.
Do you remember smelling the sunshine?
That was summer.

Here are some of our poems...

Saturday 28 May 2016

The World Is My Audience 4 (TWIMA4)

The World Is My Audience 4 is all about community. Classes from around the world contributed to this ebook. 

Some students in Tautoru submitted poems about places. Autahi shared their classroom treaty and some students in Mahutonga shared their homeless poems. 

You can download the book here:

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Our Town

Last week we wrote poems based on the poem, "Our Town" by James K  Baxter. We used the same structure to write about a place of our choice. Enjoy!

These students are buddy reading "Our Town" poem. 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

The Magic Box: The Movie

We have been writing poems based on, "The Magic Box" by Kit Wright. We have made a movie with some of our ideas. You can also read more of our poems below...

The Magic Box by Kate

I will put in the box
a fifth season and a black sun
a happy face crying and a sad face playing
Kate the cute kitten

I will put in the box
black stars in a silver sky
Theo the thumpy thorn
Jerry the giraffe drinking grape juice

I will cartwheel into my box.

Dylan and Nikora’s Magic Box

I will put in my magic box…

The minecraft king’s body with a a burning godzilla’s head
A minecraft dog with a creeper’s head
A minecraft mutant, obsideon gollum body with a mutant zombie villager head,
A minecraft rabbit leaping onto burning godzilla

I will put in my magic box…

The ender dragon body with a cow’s head
A minecraft shark with a minecraft rabbit’s head
A minecarft squid with a pig head
A minecraft T Rex grumping around.

Georgina’s Magic Box

I will put in my box…

A princess fighting with an angel
A flying cat and a walking bird
Pizza as a vegetable and broccoli as a treat

I will put in my box…

A frog breathing fire
A little girl wearing pants
A big boy wearing a dress

I will put in my box…
A snowman as a person
A person as a snowman
A cloud and a castle on the ground and a house in the sky

Reuben's Magic Box Poem

I will put in my magic box…
A bald eagle flying around a mountain
An angry elephant stamping on a person
An electric swimming and electrocuting sharks
The last joke of an ancient uncle
A shark head with a pirate body.

The Magic Box by Kate
I will put in the box
a fifth season and a black sun
a happy face crying and a sad face playing
Kate the cute kitten

I will put in the box
black stars in a silver sky
Theo the thumpy thorn
Jerry the giraffe drinking grape juice

The Magic Box by Tommy

I will put in the box…

A shark body on a fly's head.
A snowman melting on a hot summer’s day
A lizard body and a tongue head
A slithering snake sliding down the slide
A diamond in the sparky ocean

The Magic Box
by Clem

I will put in my box...
A frog wallking and an alien flying
A cat jumping over the moon
A cat that has wings and flies
Me in a video game       
A banana versing a tv
A cow leaping over Earth
A bird flying near the ground

Saturday 20 February 2016

Magic Box Poems

This week some of us have been reading the poem, The Magic Box by Kit Wright. We have been inspired to create our own Magic Box poems and Magic Box art...

The Magic Box
By Violeta

I will put in the box...
A dragon as red as the fire.
A mouse jumping  over the moon.

A rabbit swimming.

I will put in the box,
A little angel as gold as the sun ,
A purple sun,
and a blue beach.
I will put in the box,
A rainbow flower with a ladybug and yellow spots,

I will put in the box,

A very long snail
a GIANT  MOUSE and a tiny elephant,
A very long snail  with a very short snake.

My box is fashioned from gold and silver and iron,
with spots on the lid and wishes in the corners.
Its hinges are as black as the dark and as gold sun.

The Magic Bo
By Leola

I will put in the box
lunchboxes flying and lemonade walking.
a mouse chasing a cat and a cat chasing a dog.
a frog flying and a fly jumping.

I will put in the box
a giraffe that is small and a and a mouse that is tall.
a giant that is angry and a jaguar giggling.
Hayley hoop runs a loop

I will put in the box
dark is light and light is dark.
a part of body and a part of head.
people making milk and cows collect.

I will put in the box
a carrot eating people
a frog floating and a boat jumping.
a fly eating a frog.

My box is fashioned from stars and gold and ice
with storms on the lid and  love in the corners
its hinges are love and wishes.

Monday 15 February 2016

The Magic Box

Some of us have been reading, "The Magic Box" poem by Kit Wright. We put our own ideas into our very own magic box. Watch the movie to see what our first ideas are...

Friday 20 November 2015

The Environment Group

We are learning about debates and as part of our inquiry, we want to find out about the environment. Our inquiry is called, "who should look after the environment". So far we have made brainstorms. We think that everyone should look after the environment.

Yesterday, we did Google Hangout with Room 10 at Kelburn school. They are near Zealandia. They are very lucky because they see lots of native birds such as kaka, tuis, sparrows, kereru and they even saw a shag fly over the other day. They are also interested in the environment and want to trap pesky rats and other pests. They talked about smart rats who managed to dodge the traps. They are designing different traps that will attract the rats. 

We also found out that Mahutonga have also been setting traps for the rats down the bank. The rats are not going for the food in the traps as they don't feel comfortable enough to eat there.

By Lizzie, Max, Ben, Mateo, Jan, Finlay, Izar, Liam, Zach and Theo B

Enviromment by Theo B

Care for the environment, oh please please please,
our future depends on us, it realy does please.
it’s for me, it’s for you
it’s for everyone on the globe
let’s keep our earth clean and very bright green
just care for it it’s now a big deal
if we did look after it a few years ago this would not
have troubled our poor mother earth.