Thursday 25 October 2012

Farm Trip

Tunapo Farm Trip on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Spelling Rockets

Spelling Rockets

Dear Parent,

You will see that your child has 10 words to learn to spell in their Spelling Rocket list.

We will now be doing spelling this term, every other week on a Friday.

So the next day for spelling will be

Friday 2nd November.

Many thanks,  Scott and Hamish.

Friday 19 October 2012

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Monday 24 September 2012

MAN EATING PLANTS and Chocolate Ice Cream!

                                                                  BOB the STICKY PLANT.
Bob lives in the water. It is 3 metres long. It has sticky horns and they shoot out at people swimming. The sticky horns stick on to people.    By Isaac

My plant lives in the mountain. It is called mount. It is as big as a school chair. It has so many tongues because it catches so many flies. It smells like chocolate ice-cream. It has a very big eyes because they can see everything.     By Takehisa
                                                                    Oto's Clone Plant.

My man eating plant lives in the jungle. It is small as a school chair. My plant has metal claws and it has sharp  teeth. It is camouflaged so people walk straight past it and the plant grabs them!.

Maui and the Sun