Thursday 18 March 2021

Check out our Manaakitanga bags!

 We are well and truly getting stuck into creating the bags for Whānau Festival next weekend! 

This term, Tautoru have been doing lots of learning about Manaakitanga. A few weeks ago on the Tautou blog and on Seesaw you would have seen some beautiful artworks created by the kids that symbolised Manaakitanga.


Recently, the teachers have been busy photocopying, laminating and cutting out these artworks.

The next step in the process is getting the kids back into the action by screen printing the artwork onto bags. 

So much learning has gone into these bags! Learning about the concept of Manaakitanga and how we can show it to our friends, by listening to others and by using lots of different character strengths. Learning to create bold, colourful symbols inspired by Keith Haring. And last but not least, learning about the art process of screen printing. We are so proud of the finished product too.

(The next step, not seen in the pictures, is to screen print the word, 'Manaakitanga' on the bags and iron the print. Then it will be ready to go for next weekend!)

These beautiful, unique bags are available for you to purchase as part of the Whānau Festival Fundraiser. You all have the chance to purchase your child's bag before they are all sold at the Whānau Festival.  

If you would like this one of a kind Calico Bag that was made with love and care, you will need to purchase it for $10 via Online Payments by 9am on Wednesday 24 March. After this date, the bags will be sold at the Whānau Festival and we can not guarantee your child's bag will be there to purchase on the day - so don't wait! 

Monday 15 March 2021

Girls Futsal Festival


We had 3 very enthusiastic teams representing Worser Bay at the Girls Futsal Festival on Friday. All of our teams showed huge amounts of Teamwork, Leadership and Kindness in every game and also when off the court.

Thanks so much to the parents that helped out with transport and managing the teams on the day. You guys were fantastic and really made the day run smoothly.

All of our teams played hard but fair and we managed to win a majority of our games!

Friday 12 March 2021

Developing a Love of Reading

 Learning to read is a complex road! We don't often remember 'how' we learn to read - there is no single aha! moment - because the progress is so incremental and has so many different components. But one thing never changes: if children are enthusiastic and enjoy reading the seeds we plant now will bloom in years to come as texts become more challenging.

In Tautoru, we encourage a love of reading in many different ways. We read for enjoyment at different times of the days. 

We have our reading lessons with our teachers.

Sometimes we read to ourselves and get lost in books that capture our interest.

We listen to more complex texts and enjoys the discussions.

We share books with our friends.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Measuring the world around us.

 How long? How high? How tall? How short? How far? Measuring length can help us answer so many questions! This week we have begun investigating how measure length and how that applies to our world.

We have been measuring distance using standard units like centimetres  and investigating using non-standard units like blocks.

We have been measuring our steps and jumps.

We have been measuring our feet and our buddy's feet, then using addition and subtraction to work out the difference.