Thursday 31 March 2016

If You Learned Here: Our Learning

Learning to Measure
Theme 3 is about our learning. We have shared a movie of one of our drumming sessions on: 

...and there are some other bits and pieces on the Padlets below. 

Rock Pools Around the World

As part of our inquiry, we are finding out about rock pools. We would like to compare and contrast the rock pools close to us with rock pools from around the world. Can you help? Do you have relatives and friends that live close to rock pools in other places. We would love to hear from them and find out more about what is out there. 


Tautoru Kids

You can add to this presentation: 

Thursday 24 March 2016

Ball Skills

Shared Writing by Hunter R, Rim, and Lily V: 

We have been doing PE with Shona. We have been learning how to throw and catch balls. We've been learning to roll the ball to our partner and run back to where we were. We have also been bouncing the ball and throwing it into the air. We have been using balls in different ways. It's great to stay fit and use the outside space.

Colour experimenting

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Some of the children in Tautoru have been learning about measurement.

We have talked about standard and non-standard units of measurement. In class we have begun using non-standard units to measure body parts, cracks in the pavement, the length of bench seats and other objects in the playground.


This is shared writing by Keir and Molly:

We had our drumming lesson today in the staffroom. We learnt the names of different drums and other instruments including bongos, hand drums, xylophones and chimes. Andreas was conducting us. We learnt symbols for drumming, not drumming, whistling and singing. We had a great time and we're looking forward to drumming again next week. 

Sunday 20 March 2016

Hour of Code: Minecraft

Our Year Three students have been learning how to code. They have been using #hourofcode and working through the Minecraft activities. Students have been problem solving and applying their Maths knowledge. Great collaboration!